
Pluto Auditorium - Virtual events that feel like the real world

Auditoriums on Pluto.video let you host talks and events in 3D worlds!
- Look around and feel the presence of the crowd
- Naturally transition between talks and socializing with attendees
- Gather your community around shared interests and create serendipity

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You can host fireside chats, all hands, concerts, movie nights, and more. Try it out and let us know what you think! We are also featuring a series of talks on Pluto, hosted by Linda Xie, Elad Gil and others! Join our mailing list here to get notified and reserve your spot for upcoming events: http://eepurl.com/hxPkyz
Ivanna Wendel
I love this idea! well done!
@ivanna_wendel Thanks - Please try it out and let us know what you think!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Is there a virtual line up to the bathrooms included? So much serendipity happens there IRL. 😂
@chrismessina Totally! Some people suggested we should have "elevator" on the way to the space so that you can bump into other attendees naturally
Ankit Jain
This is looks really cool @kn, @eladgil1 and rest the team, will definitely try it out for our next event!
@ankit06 Thanks - Please let us know if you have any feedback!
Natalie Karakina
Looks fantastic! I haven't seen anything like this before
Lalit Pandey
Hey Katsuya, This looks like a great idea. All the best.
fantastic! ?makers this is an awesome creation
Andrew Keats
Certainly a trending concept that's here to stay! Unfortunately I got stuck to a palm tree in the Maldives!
@andrew_keats Sorry you got stuck! It's a nice place to get stuck but we will fix it :)
Ruben Wolff
Great idea! I'd like to have a demo to see what this kind of online event could look like.
@rubenwolff Happy to give you demo! Please contact us at https://airtable.com/shrpStQZxAW.... Also, we are featuring series of public events. Attending them is a great way to experience the product! http://eepurl.com/hxPkyz
Rudy Arconte
Good implementation on original Pluto spaces. Really cool to be able to customize the horizontal and vertical columns (with aspect ratio) for branding of the outdoor auditorium. However, is not possible to edit the main screen content: change the image and/or add screen share? And maybe to be able to switch the main screen to a virtual camera? Cheers!
Thanks! Currently, you can screen share only when you are on stage (by clicking “join stage”)
Daniel Akan
Really love the idea behind this. Good job 🔥
Rahim Ayelen
Congrats on your launch
Ari Cohen
This is awesome, really brings back a sense of community many communities are lacking. Well made, can't wait to try it!
@ari_cohen1 Let us know what you think!
Ken Moo
Is that Elon musk on your homepage? Did he really use the platform?
Nitin Verma
Looks very similar to Reslash a PH recent favourite. All the best
Alvaro 梦龙
Awesome product! It'd be great if could integrate Akkadu Multilingual SDK (rsi.akkadu.com) allowing users to host multilingual events with Professional Interpreters