Create smart playlists for your Spotify library! Stop relying on fancy pants algorithms to organize your library and instead build up playlists the way you want them.
I have been a longtime iTunes user and, despite its shortcomings, the ability to build complex, dynamic playlists has yet to be matched by the other streaming services.
I desperately wanted that ability in Spotify, so PLYLST is my attempt at building the thing I think it's missing most: that ability to put together dynamic playlists based on many different attributes.
Spotify has a wealth of what they call "audio features" (danceability, valence, tempo, mode, energy, etc) and turns out those are pretty amazing tools for organize your library as well as discovering new music!
There are over a dozen attributes that you can organize your Spotify library with.
Oh, and it's open-source!
@shpigford This is great. If it could show the BPM of the songs in my playlist then I could figure out a good cutoff value for the next iteration of the list!
I switched from Apple Music recently because Siri finally supports it. Apps like this give Spotify superpowers I didn’t know could exist when I was on Apple
@andrewwarner Exactly! Apple Music really had some pretty powerful features for curating your music. Spotify has lagged behind for, figured it was time to just do it myself. :)
Great job, thank you so much for creating this! Is there any reason why you can only use the variables once? e.g. One Artist Name rule instead of multiple Artist Name rules? Is it a shortcoming of the Spotify API or just something that you can control in your app? Would be great to be able to use those variables multiple times if possible. Look forward to future updates!
@stevenjacobs_ Thanks Steven! And that's a great idea. There's no commercial aspect to this yet (still waiting on approval from Spotify for my commercial license).
@laura_martinezo@shpigford it was taking a while to populate on the web and then took about an hour to actually appear in spotify for me. seems slightly faster now though.
I always wanted to have a playlist based on what my friends play, is that something you can do next? ;) Checked your website and the "how" is not immediately obvious to me, so made some contextual points here: -- let me know if this helps!
feedback: it could be good if it said an error message if no songs meet the criteria. as currently the playlist just sits empty it seems like.
also, if i set "danceability" to "very", does that mean that it'll exclude songs which are marked "super" ?
if so, it could be good if we could specify that they are "AT LEAST" ranked "very" (i.e. including very and super in that mix"). or that we can expand the criteria to include very OR super