Chris Messina

Pocket 7.0 - Save and read news, articles, & videos that fuel your mind

Top Hunter

Capture the things that fascinate you in Pocket, and have a personal, dedicated space to fuel your mind without the distractions of the internet.

• Completely refreshed design across mobile and web

• All new reading experience and new font for improved legibility and comfort for short and long-form reading.

• Revamped listen experience

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Ahhh pocket - the holy grail of epic content I save and then never read
Colin Jones
Pocket is one of the unsung hero products of my life. I have used it every day for years and with these updates, I imagine I will do so for years to come. Thanks @nateweiner and the @pocketapps_co team! 🙌 🚀
✎ Andrew Warner
Have it read an article to you. The new voices they added will make articles sound closer to podcasts
Jasper van der Meij
@andrewwarner That is in the mobile app only right? Was looking for it on the app/site.
Jonathan Bruck
@andrewwarner @jvdmeij yeah this is mobile only for now.
Casey Winters
Been a daily active user since forever. So useful. Voice was one of the key things holding some friends back from using it. So glad they launched it.
I love the new design and small improvements. Pocket has been my go-to app for saving all the things for years, and I find myself getting back to old saved content years later. What I would love to see next are the improved search, categorization and filters, as your feed gets crowded pretty quickly. Gotta try the improved listen experience though!
Tom Bielecki
Much better audio experience. Great for the treadmill.

Fantastic app, and if the paid version had an added feature for me, I would have paid


I read more. The ML algorithm that finds me new articles


The ML often shows me articles that I never intend to read and even when I indicate that, I keep seeing them

János Spindler
Great job, Pocket team! I use the app for years on a daily basis and started to get really frustrated by the inconsistent design by now. This looks and feels like 2018 and is what the product deserves. Thanks!
James Young
I'm a pro user and have been a fan of the text to speech feature to listen to saved articles in the car or on the train. The new 'podcast style' Listen UI is a nice enhancement of this feature!
Lyondhür Picciarelli
I love and hate Pocket. 3 quinllion iterations and, still, one horrible way of managing tags that can squeeze the life out of every living creature — specially if all you want is to quickly remove or reorder tags. It’s like that beautiful person you’d love to hang out with, if they didn’t do that horrible one thing that drives you insane.
Blake Robinson
Man, I love Pocket. Def my most used app -- and the only one I actively recommend to people.
Joshua Talley
I used to LOVE Pocket. Once they started pushing premium and Firefox acquired it, I realized I hadn't used it in over a year, so I deleted my account. I just re-installed it yesterday, because I remembered how much I loved its simplicity and interface. There's still just ONE feature I wish that it had: the ability to read an article in it instantly like Mercury Reader. In fact, if Mercury had a Save to Pocket option instead of Kindle...well that would be nearly perfect.
Kristen Rayford
Wish it would save copies to device because it is slow and tech blogs will edit news after they are exposed to be shills
Joshua Dance
Does it tell you how many saved items you have?
Emanuele Ricci
I'm still missing some must-have features: 1) On android I would love to have a widget with the page I've saved 2) I would like to have a Chrome plugin that replace my home (when you open a new empty tab) that display the latest page I've saved on Pocket 3) When I've already saved a page on Pocket I would like to see the Pocket button colored because right now I don't know if I've already saved it or not when I come to an article in the next days
Jeff Eisley
Guys, the UI needs some work, I know having EVERYTHING be white all the time is super cool right now but cmon, be original so we don't have to be bored to death, thanks. PS. vertical div spacing needs to be reduced, again, thanks.

I really appreciate Pocket. I'm using pocket especially for read le after and read offline features while I was at underground.

After this update I just read my articles.


Human like sound


No offline support for listen feature

Aaryan Ramzan
Man! This is just what I've needed and didn't even know it. I can finally get rid of scores of bookmark I never revisit.
Dimitry Solovyev

Using it for years!


There is no other useful apps for content and links collecting.


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