Pocket 7.0 - Save and read news, articles, & videos that fuel your mind
Capture the things that fascinate you in Pocket, and have a personal, dedicated space to fuel your mind without the distractions of the internet.
• Completely refreshed design across mobile and web
• All new reading experience and new font for improved legibility and comfort for short and long-form reading.
• Revamped listen experience
Product Hunt
Fantastic app, and if the paid version had an added feature for me, I would have paid
Pros:I read more. The ML algorithm that finds me new articles
Cons:The ML often shows me articles that I never intend to read and even when I indicate that, I keep seeing them
Sketch Hunt
Summer Bod 2020
Swiper, Clean Your Gallery
I really appreciate Pocket. I'm using pocket especially for read le after and read offline features while I was at underground.
After this update I just read my articles.
Pros:Human like sound
Cons:No offline support for listen feature
Using it for years!
Pros:There is no other useful apps for content and links collecting.
Cons:You'll love collecting good links on your favourite topics.