Within seconds after recording, you'll have a fully edited timeline – ready to share. Invite your guest, record together, and automatically generate all content you need.
Today, we're introducing Podcast Auto Edit in Detail for iOS. Within seconds after recording, you'll have a fully edited timeline – ready to share.
People are using Detail to record video presentations, reaction videos, interviews and podcasts. In the past months, we introduced a ton of features to help you with your video workflow. We introduced remote recording, recording with 2 iPhones in the same room, generating social clips automatically, content suggestions, and much more.
Check out the short video, and download Detail on the iOS App Store.
We're hanging out here today to answer any questions about our product and everything video!
@detkov We believe video production is a workflow challenge, from recording a story or conversation to sharing great content. Step by step, we're chipping away at the different time consuming parts of video production. Our goal is to make video editing obsolete and turn any conversation or rough draft recording into great content.
We're currently working on cracking long form video on iPhone to make it easier to work with longer recordings, new layouts and effects to turn turn video sources feeds into an beautiful composition, and more auto editing to turn a longer rough recording into great stories.
Detail – Remote Recording
Detail – Remote Recording
Iteration X
Detail – Remote Recording
Detail 3 for Mac
Detail – Remote Recording