Chris Messina

Text to Podcast Extension by Podcastle - Convert news/articles to a podcast using machine learning

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We all lose countless hours staring at our screens and scrolling through endless text streams. Using Podcastle, you can instantly turn your favorite news, articles, and blog posts into podcasts with very natural human speech using machine learning.

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Arto Yeritsyan
Hey Product Hunt community, I'm Arto, the Founder of Podcastle AI. Thank you @chrismessina for hunting us - today is an exciting day for us! I'm happy to present to you Podcastle AI - text to podcast converter based on Machine Learning. It's a free browser extension, and all you have to do is – install it, signup, and then go to your favorite news website. Open any article/news and tap on Podcastle's extension icon, and it will turn the article into a podcast in a flash. Our text-to-podcast converter based on machine learning is our unique offering. The podcasts we generate are very human-like and consider all the emotions and the writer's tone of voice. It's especially great for those working remotely. While we focus on our work or household chores, like washing dishes and making coffee, Podcastle turns news into podcasts to help them know what's happening in the world without reading a newspaper. We will be looking forward to your feedback and questions in the comments about Podcastle AI. You can try it for free:
Arto Yeritsyan
@ankit_masand Thanks, excited to hear that!
Pranshu Garg
@chrismessina @arto_yeritsyan Can you guys make it work on Google docs and pdf files (opened in chrome) as well? It will add great value to many people, I think.
Mike Ritchie
@chrismessina @arto_yeritsyan You should note somewhere that you can't use it on mobile... kind of the whole point of podcasts.
Arto Yeritsyan
@mike_seekwell Thanks for the feedback. It was hunted as a chrome extension, anyway we are going to have mobile soon as well.
John Hayes
This is one of the most useful tools for starting my day. I have been looking for something like this for a long time. One feature request is to be able to add multiple items into a queue. Is that going to be added anytime soon? Awesome implementation! Congrats to you all!
Arto Yeritsyan
@john_hayes2 Thanks! Yeap, it will be in the next release version, so stay tuned!
Sergo Oganov
@john_hayes2 Hi, have you had chance to use it already ?
John Hayes
@sergo_oganov Sure have. It works splendid for me. I use it for mostly news sites and medium articles.
Ryan Hoover
Giving me Umano vibes. cc @ianmendiola
Ian Mendiola
@rrhoover this is definitely much more scalable 😅
Arto Yeritsyan
@rrhoover @ianmendiola Thanks for the comment :) :)
Pete Skomoroch
Do you have a demo we can try without installing the browser extension?
Arto Yeritsyan
@peteskomoroch Thanks for the comment, unfortunately we have only the extension for now
Liana Karapetyan
This is great! I just installed the Chrome Extension and tried with a random article from NYTimes. The voice is really natural and very easy to follow. Great product! One question. Is there a limit on how much text it can read?
Arto Yeritsyan
@liana_karapetyan7 Thanks! There is no Limit.
Coach Benjo
Congratulations on the launch. Extremely excited about this product. Questions: 1) Any plans on using your technology for people to create their own podcasts. Basically Podcaster “place” articles like a playlist a people can follow/download? 2) any plans on creating a short podcast management tool where podcasters can add their personal podcast introduction as an introduction to the “playlist”. 3) Long term: any plan to used your incredible technology to make a personal machine learning. So basically your read out the articles with the podcaster voice.
Arto Yeritsyan
@benhouri Thanks for the questions. We are working 24/7 to have all the points mentioned by you, we have that in our roadmap, and soon it will be Live for all our fantastic users.
Johan Bavaud
The idea is really great and works actually ! Still need improvements (honestly I couldn't listen an entire podcast with the voice of my GPS + some problems to recognize h1, h2, h3 ...) : Anyway I will follow with attention your future developpment. Bonus : It's hilarious in french (and german) - it's like having a authentic robotic-UK lord at home 💂🏻‍♀️❤️
Arto Yeritsyan
@johan_bavaud Thanks for the feedback! We are working to improve that part.
I was so curious about this that I downloaded Chrome just to try it! What I like about this, is that your extension will grant accessibility to people with reading issues! Love that! Hopefully on Firefox, too someday?
Arto Yeritsyan
@minks Thanks, yes it certainly can help. Sure we will have it soon.
Coiniac Exchange
@arto_yeritsyan the text to speach works really cool. i don't read in the evenings to avaoid screen time, but podcastle is the very perfect solution for me in this usecase - i just put on my earphones, connect them with bluetuth to my pc and just listen
Arto Yeritsyan
@coiniace Thanks! Thats exactly what we are trying to achieve
Sirak Ghroyan
Does it work for other languages ?
Arto Yeritsyan
@sirakghroyan Not yet, but we are working on it to support other languages as well soon
State Of Digital Publishing
Any ability to download these recordings once converted Arto?
Arsen Hambardzumyan
@vahe_arabian We will have this feature with our next release in the coming weeks!
Mane Yeganyan
Wow, l'm impressed. I was using "text to speech" web tools before,but it takes too much effort to copy and paste the text into those platforms, and the the quality of the audio is usually extremely poor. Podcastle extension is right the opposite, and so seamless to use! I would even be willing to pay for this! Two questions 1. Seems like the tool doesn't work with Google docs, are you planning to build the integration in the future? 2. Do you consider adding more sound speed options? like 1.75x, 2x. That would be very handy
Arsen Hambardzumyan
@mane_yeganyan Thanks for your positive feedback ! What regarding to our questions - Yes, integration with Google docs will be added with one of our next releases and of course some more speed options will be available as well.
Jun Gong
I use Duck Duck Go, seems it can only read "do not sell my data..." 😹 after I installed the extension. Anyways, great idea though!
Arsen Hambardzumyan
@jun_gong Thanks for your comment!
Abhay Srivastav
Loved it.
Agata Badalyan
I'm an audiobook fan! and this product is exactly for me! Very cool idea🖤
Arto Yeritsyan
@agata_badalyan Thanks! Happy to hear that.
Miguel Rodriguez
What an amazing idea! As much as I enjoy reading the news, sometimes life gets busy and I think this will be the solution. Will try for sure :)
Naveh Mevorach
The Concept is great! The UX and the UI are great but That for sure not a human voice. I am reading my articles in medium or using Pocket to save my articles and they both have a text to speech feature that sounds robotic. I would love to use your product if you manage to change the Robotic sound to a real human voice =)
Arto Yeritsyan
@naveh_mevorach Thanks for the feedback, it is the most important part that we are solving, and it will be much better soon.
Johannes De Ruyter
Amazing, thank you for creating! I am excited to see this space, I can see bloggers having all blogs with a podcast button. When is the app coming out?
Arto Yeritsyan
@johannes_de_ruyter Thanks! We are planning to have an app very soon, so stay tuned, you can use extension right now.
Craig Macfarlane
I love the idea. I’ve been using the text-speech on my iPhone for years. After you enable text to speech in accessibility, then when I want something read hit select all and hit speak. It is using the selected voice, not bad, but not human, so it’l be nice to try with a better voice. I’m not a slow reader, but it turns out I can listen much faster especially if I turn the speed up. I’m hoping your speed option is coming soon. I’ll definitely give it a try and give feedback when I get back to my computer!
Arto Yeritsyan
@craigmacfarlane Thanks for the feedback, we are constantly working on it to improve the voice.
Jonathan Corcoran
Will you ever add a feature to download the podcasts you create?
Arto Yeritsyan
@jonathan_corcoran 100% it is planned in our next release which will be live very soon!