Discover the largest and most listened selection of Arabic podcasts and stories with your favorite A-list celebrities from around the Arab world and listen for Free.
@jacqvon Thanks Jacqueline! We're aiming to be in every single car, disrupting the good ol' broadcasting radio and making every commute an educational and interesting journey.
Wheneve i’m bored at home or going somewhere i use fallound and till this day i haven’t been disappointed by the content it has offered. App is user friendly and simple.
Product Hunt
Pros:Smart, useful and efficient. Highly Recommended
Wheneve i’m bored at home or going somewhere i use fallound and till this day i haven’t been disappointed by the content it has offered. App is user friendly and simple.
Pros:Diverse, fun and efficient
I use it while working out as well
Pros:Perfect for car rides
Cons:No cons to be honest
I highly recommend Fallound !
Pros:Very efficient, great app for driving.
Great application with great customized podcasts.
Pros:user-friendly, useful, efficient. I can use it anywhere, anytime. Flawless!
Cons:No cons
Easy and accessable app can be used by anyone
Pros:Great useful app
Cons:getting better