
Poke Radar - Discover the location of any Pokemon


Poke Radar shows you locations where to find Pokemon. If you need some directions fot your Pokemon GO just get Poke Radar.

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I have not played Pokemon Go, but have been following the phenomenon that has happened recently. While looking at the top 200 Free iOS apps here: - I noticed that Poke Radar was ranked #2. Then I looked into the person who built it and from what I can see, he built it in about 2 days and the rest is history! As far as I know, it instantly climbed to the top of the ranks. I posted this because of how current it is and also because the Product Hunt community may find interest in the rapid growth of something so simple as a map when connected to the right platform at the right time. I have heard and read many times that the success of a product/startup is more often than not attributed to the position and timing of an idea. Execution is of course critical, especially when something does take off and needs to be maintained at scale, but timing and position seem to be the factor that we should all keep in mind! The person that built this is Braydon Batungbacal. He surely has some experience building apps and has had some prior success as well.
Ben Tossell
Seems the web version is down :( - all these poke-maps get overloaded so quickly!
Andreas Mitschke
@bentossell ye, the google map free daily quote is only 100k, which seems not enough to keep up with the current demand.
Jarred Sumner
Congrats!!!!! (to the person who built it)
Haha I had an idea around the same time he did! Good job for him to do it so quickly!
Evgeniy Altynpara
PokeRadar app is part of Pokemon Go strategy. Last quarter we were working on a clone of pokemon goes and was building for US client Poke Radar app. From what we got at the end that almost every user (3/5) use that kind of apps at least 40 hours per week. See details about Poke Radar app building here:
Why does the iPhone App need to have iOS 9.3 running? Is there anything like features or API's the app needs, which older versions aren't supporting? I don't think so. For example I'm still on 9.0.3.
David A. Codamo
I am curious if anyone knew if these Pokemon finder apps, like Poke Radar, that are using the images of Pokemon in their app designs, could they get into legal trouble for copyright issues? Does anyone know information or had experience of a situation like this?
Adam Walder
Unfortunately, this game has lost its popularity, but if you have interesting ideas for developing software for games or casinos, then contact here