Chris Messina

Polarr Photo Editor for OS X - The photo editor for all your needs, now on Mac

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Great new Photo Editor for the Mac. I hunted this a month ago, but there was no trial version then. There is one now fortunately. Thanks!
Derek Yan
@t55 Hope you enjoy the lite version Ton :) Other than batch-export, and local/gradient adjustments which are only available int the full-version, the lite-version should give you 95% of the full experience.
Borui Wang
Wow thanks for the post! To answer @bentossell 's original question about why building an OSX app. In additional to @derekzhyan's answer (RAW support is definitely an important one): 1) Because it wasn't difficult. OS 10.10+ has a high performance web view to port our online app. 2) We thought our editor deserves more exposure and we wanted to bring in new audiences. 3) It is much easier for our iOS users to understand the app after using the OSX app. 4) We can potentially bridge the iOS/OSX in one piece to provide a seamless experience. 5) To generate some revenue to feed our team (and thank you all if you decide to buy :D). In the meantime, we started to try out some dangerously interesting ideas for the next iteration of Polarr's mobile and desktop photo editing apps. In all honesty, we played quite conservatively in 2015 as a new company and our products were mostly borrowing concepts from established apps. We didn't like that and we will be a lot more aggressive and run more design/conceptual risk for our new tools in Q1 2016! Stay tuned!
Ben Tossell
@bwang29 @derekzhyan Sounds very exciting! Look forward to seeing what risks are taken this year
Ben Tossell
One skill I need to develop this year is being able to create good images. When my MacBook and WiFi can both handle applications and browsers open at the same time, I'm hoping to give this a whirl. Always see so much great stuff from Polarr and awesome feedback here on Product Hunt. @bwang29 why build the Mac App? Does this have any extra bells and whistles?
Derek Yan
@bentossell Hi Ben, Here are a few obvious improvements of the Mac version over the web version: - ability to edit photos offline - using native RAW utilities from OS X to give much better RAW support - export integrated with Mac utilities (iMessage, AirDrop, etc...) - controlled user experience - we limit the OS X app to El Capitan and Yosemite and thus can guarantee smooth experience for the Mac users; this cannot be done for the web version The app itself is only 3.5MB and is written mainly using JavaScript and WebGL, making it highly scalable across various platforms. Here's a CNET article on the technology we've been using: Porting the web version to OS X was easy and a logical step to increase the reach of Polarr to more folks :) @bwang29, anything to add?
David Carpe
just bought it on Mac, it's awesome and worth every penny of the currently super cheap 10 dollars!
Cole Mercer
Nice! I use the iOS version. Is there better support for masking / touchups on this OSX version than on mobile?
Borui Wang
@colemercer You can add infinite local adjustments on the OSX version.
Fraser Smith
Nice to see the Mac version having used and liked the iOS version. Snapped it up at the ridiculously low introductory price. But it isn't working. :-( When I click Import or Cmd-O absolutely nothing happens. I can't get my photos into Polarr to edit them. Hoping that issue can be resolved quickly. :-)
Borui Wang
@frassmith Hi Fraser, which OS version you're using? I'm sorry to hear that.
Fraser Smith
@bwang29 OS X ElCapitan, latest dot release (but not the beta stream). By the way, you need to improve your support handling. I left feedback on your site, I got a response after 3 days with an email address to respond to. I emailed, but I'm still waiting for a response to that email. It's a week now and I still can't use your app.
Borui Wang
@frassmith We figured out what it is, will fix in the next update.
Angus King
Nice! Downloaded it to my mac. I've been looking for something with ease to replace my sub-par Photoshop skills and which can give me similar capabilities like VSCO on the iPhone.
Walo Fenton
very nice! quick and easy.. i would only suggest a quick way to add adjustments to a batch instead of having to select one by one and paste adjustments. also, a quick way to save flatten the adjustments to the existing photo instead of having to save copies or export to another destination..
Walo Fenton
there's also issues with a wacom tablet when selecting a photo.. id also suggest simple drag n drop export and the ability to add a folder of images