Poll Everywhere
Host interactive online meetings
Courtney Rogin

Poll Everywhere Competitions — A point-based trivia contest with a live leaderboard.


Poll Everywhere Competitions energizes any meeting, class, or live event by having participants compete in a trivia contest. Participants answer questions on their phones, and a leaderboard updates live to show who’s in the lead. Competitions is fully customizable and fun to play.

Brad Gessler
We’ve been using competitions at Poll Everywhere all-hands meetings for a few months and its been so much fun. We’ve found that its a much better way to deliver important information to our team because we tap into people’s visceral competitive spirit, which means they actually *want* to pay attention. Contrast that with an audience that tunes out on their phones and laptops as a presenter drones in through some really dense slides. Don’t let the confetti fool you; competitions is a superior way to deliver important and serious messages to teams large and small. The best part is that all of this stuff works seamlessly in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides (make sure you install the apps from https://www.polleverywhere.com/app). I’m really pleased that we finally get to share competitions with the rest of the world. Please join us in our fight against boring presentations by using a competition in your next presentation. Enjoy!
Rebecca Kerr

This is a super fun way to get everyone in the room instantly engaged in your content. You can add questions about literally anything, and then play a game that includes everyone.


Fast, easy to build, easy to present, crowd-pleaser, instant excitement


Only multiple choice questions are allowed, can't text to respond like you can on other PollEv questions

David Burke

You absolutely need to try this out!


Making work fun is something that everyone wants and this goes one step further in making meetings fun. I LOVE Competitions


I wish it had been out sooner but that's because I hate waiting