Modern email that works for you
Niv Dror
Polymail β€” A simple, beautiful, and powerful email client for Mac

Polymail is a simple, beautiful, and powerful email client for Mac and iOS. With real-time read-receipts, personalized campaigns, follow-up reminders, contact profiles, and even Salesforce integrations all wrapped in a beautiful UI, Polymail makes your morning email grind effortless.

Mark Bao
No doubt the current front runner for the best email product out there on Mac, and from the trajectory it's going in, on iOS when it comes out. I've been using the alpha for just a day but it's everything you wish email looked like in 2015. When did we get to the point when we stopped innovating on email, when things like send later and email tracking have to be extensions you use that are hacky extensions on top of Gmail? The team has been moving fast, which has been great. I worry, though, that the iOS version will be difficult, because iOS in general is extremely difficult, plus email apps on iOS seem immensely hard to build. Still, extremely promising, and it looks to me to be the only modern email client for Mac out there.
Brandon Shin
@markbao Thanks Mark! We're a big fan of working with iOS and UIKit, & excited to show you what we've got!
Niv Dror
Congrats to Polymail on all the recent updates and the calendar integration!
Niv Dror
Like many of us, I was sad to see that Mailbox is shutting down. The same day an invite to test out Polymail was in my inbox, and it was the perfect time to try it. I love it. Polymail is now my default email client, and I would encourage you to sign up to get on the beta and test it out. Looks like my email client for Mac problem (even when Mailbox for Max was available) is now solved -- looking forward to seeing what @foolywk and the Polymail team come up with!
Jack Smith
@nivo0o0 this can't come to iOS soon enough! Really disappointing that Mailbox is shutting down. @nivo0o0 how did you first discover Polymail?
Niv Dror
@_jacksmith a Twitter friend @varadhjain asked if I wanted to try this new email app. I said sure. Then a few days later Mailbox announced it was shutting down and I instantly became interested in looking into it and trying it out 😁 Love what I've seen so far :)
Brandon Shin
@nivo0o0 Thank you Niv! Glad you got a chance to try us too & we're really excited to share what we have in store πŸ˜‰
Matt Khoury
What's the purpose of the bolt in inbox view under a users photo (left side, under circular pic)?
Richard Oakley
Looks awesome! Can't wait to try it!
Brandon Shin
@richoakley Can't wait to hear what you think!
Matthew Smith
@foolywk I'd love to get in on that Alpha. Thank you.
Brandon Shin
@whale got it! We'll be in touch soon!
Yoni Tsafir
Looks good, how's the RIght to Left support? (Hebrew)
Justin Gough
I feel like this could be the most hunted app on PH very soon. Haven't tried it yet, but the testimonials below sound great. Also timing couldn't be better too! Looking forward to trying this out and helping to spread the word in anyway possible.
Brandon Shin
@justingough Thank you Justin! We look forward to hearing your thoughts on it!
Just got my access code the other day and am loving it so far - thanks!!
Omar Pera
I would love to try it out, but I am a power user of Inbox with their bundles, so it is going to be really hard for me to migrate. Do you guys had in mind migrating from Inbox?
Brandon Shin
@ompemi Hey Omar! we'll reach out and chat about it soon :) We do sync up labels, but would love to talk about what aspects you needed to comfortably switch over
Pawel Janiak
2015 and we're still doing invite queuing -_-
Brandon Shin
@cynicalgrinch Don't worry we'll make sure you get you on! and we'll be in touch soon!
Helen Crozier
What a list of interest! I'd like to try it too please!
Brandon Shin
@helencrozier Thanks Helen! be in touch soon!
Furkan Cengiz
Looks really cool, would love to try it!
Brandon Shin
@frkncngz Thanks Furkan! we'll reach out soon!
Andrew Zusman
I've heard good things about PolyMail. Looking forward to trying it out.
Steven Hylands
Looks like a great alternative to Mailbox, would love early access!
Gezim Hoxha

I want a better alternative, please! Notion was the best but they shut down 😭


It’s got read receipts, reminder to follow-up. Decent interface.


Awful support. They’ll respond but no feedback is taken into account. I’m a paid user.

Raj Ajrawat
@foolywk Congratulations on the launch! Are there any plans to expand this into a hybrid email/CRM client? I see the Rapportive-like profile card on the right side of the product screenshot, and I think people are finally starting to realize that email is one of the most important (if not the most important) follow up tools out there for managing your network (both personal and professional). I would LOVE to see some sort of contact management system integrated, with follow-ups and to-dos expanded in the profile card. Just some food for thought as you think about world domination :D Would love an invite when you get a chance.
Brandon Shin
@rajamatage πŸ™‚
Brenden Mulligan
Looks great. Just signed up for beta.
Brandon Shin
@mulligan Thanks! Excited to hear what you think!
Philip Trauring
What services and protocols will Polymail support? IMAP? POP3? How large have you tested mailbox sizes? Also, have you put thought into encryption as an option?
Brandon Shin
@trauring we're bringing in IMAP as we speak! Encryption is not planned yet but we are considering it.
Philip Trauring
@bshins So that's a no on POP3?
Chad Whitaker

Polymail picked up where Mailbox left us hanging. Implementing all the best features like "Read Later" scheduling and swipe actions β€” all housed in a clean design.

Lately, I've noticed that Polymail is focusing more on biz dev and sales productivity with Polymail Pro. Understandable, with Sparrow and Mailbox being sold off and shut down. It's clear that email clients need to become profitable to survive. Unfortunately, I'm often pressured into features that I would never use via prompts and popups.

I have used Polymail for a couple of years now. I still notice a few small bugs around rendering emails, and the Read Later queue can break down if you have several threads saved. Still hoping these issues will be fixed soon. πŸ™

Overall the app still functions great and is my daily email client.


Has "Read Later" scheduling, and a very clean design.


Focusing less on consumers and more on sales productivity. Can be buggy at times.

Roy Glueckstern
I would really check out Hop email, it works great, its free and it doesnt require anything new Check it out https://gethop.com/?