Save 4 hours a week and stay on top of your important conversations with Polymail for Windows. Get real-time read receipts, automate your email outreach, calendar scheduling, and more!
Hey ProductHunt! We’re super excited to announce that Polymail is now available as a dedicated app for Windows! Polymail for Windows comes with full offline support, improved performance, search, and more!
Here's a preview of some of our features:
📤 Full offline support. Search, view, and triage your emails. Create, send or schedule drafts, even with attachments, and we’ll handle processing when you get back online!
⌨ Extensive Keyboard Shortcuts: Become a power user with ease. Zip through your emails, and perform your actions at the speed of thought with our Command Center.
💡 Send insights to give you the information you need to craft the best emails and responses.
🗓 Scheduling Pages: Create a calendar page to make it easy for your recipients to book meetings on your calendar based off your openings.
💬 Automated Followups and Sequences so you never drop an important conversation.
🚫 Unsubscriber: Have a big inbox? Remove senders you don’t want and clean your inbox in minutes with our unsubscriber. Block or unsubscribe from emails you don’t want in one tap.
🗒 Message Templates to save time writing emails. Reuse common responses, and personalize messages with placeholders.
🕐 Send Later to schedule emails to send at the perfect time. Be mindful of when your emails are sent, and make sure that your emails arrive at the top of the inbox in the morning!
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback! 💌
I dont use windows, but my company just started using this a few days ago for work and I love it. The read receipts are the best ive seen, the team communication is excellent, and its got a boat load of great email features in general. LOVE!
Damn... I haven't followed up on your products in a while, but it's expensive now. I understand why, but I just can't afford to pay this much just for email right now. The Windows 10 Mail/Calendar app is great, or just Gmail + Simplify extension is my go-to for now.
Congrats on the launch, and looking forward to seeing Android next! 😁
That's such an amazing app. I used to dual boot on macOS just to use your app ! If next supported OS is Linux it would kill competition ! Love from France :)
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