Kevin William David

Polypane - The browser for building great web experiences


Building great web experiences is frustrating and complex. Polypane makes it easy.
Polypane is a cross-platform browser and devtool to develop, debug and test sites and apps twice as fast. Be confident your sites and apps work everywhere and for everyone.

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Kilian Valkhof
Hey all! First off, thanks @kevin for hunting Polypane! With Polypane, I want to build the browser for developers, designers and everyone else that works with the web. It's filled with features that make you more efficient and help you develop faster. I've been working on this since 2015, starting with seeing if I could get a browser to display a site at multiple responsive breakpoints. From there, I've just been improving and expanding the concept into a fully features browser with really unique features for developers and designers. As a solo developer, designing and building everything is an incredible amount of work, but it's so amazingly rewarding. I can't wait to see what you all think of Polypane. It sounds like hyperbole, but compared to developing sites using Chrome or Firefox, developing in Polypane takes just half the time (I tested and verified this, many times, over the past few years). I have good hopes that your experiences will show a similar improvement.
Alex Dewey
@kilianvalkhof this is so cool! Is there an option to flip all devices landscape? working on my landscape mobile experience
Kilian Valkhof
@thekiddewey Hi Alex, Polypane knows about portrait vs. landscape on mobile and tablet devices. Each pane can be flipped between portrait and landscape by double clicking the width or height, and if you change a pane it will remember being landscape or portrait!
Alex Dewey
@kilianvalkhof Ace! thanks. Found this on the right day! I'd like to see maybe a shortcut to flip all panes at once but aside from that looks good - Great job
Kilian Valkhof
@thekiddewey good idea! I'll see if I can get it into the next update.
Kilian Valkhof
@thekiddewey Hey Alex! Polypane 1.1 was just released with Alt+R as shortcut to rotate all panes ;)
Colm Tuite
Looks great, I'm gonna get a team license for Modulz. Congrats on the launch!
Aaron O'Leary
Whats new since your last launch?
Kilian Valkhof
@aaronoleary Hi Aaron! Back in 2017 I posted the first beta on Producthunt (I had been working on it since 2015) and that was a very minimal concept: it showed your site in multiple panes, you could generate a screenshot and that was it. Since then I've been steadily improving Polypane and getting feedback from beta testers. Polypane now syncs all your actions between panes, it knows about common device sizes and about your sites CSS breakpoints. The entire browser is zoomable so you can even design for 4K screens on an ultraportable. There's a ton more features in there (css layout debugging, focus mode, pane zooming) and even more that'll be implemented in the coming months and years.
Devin Rajaram
Enjoyed being part of the beta! Congrats on the launch 🎉
Kilian Valkhof
@devinrajaram Thanks! And thank you for testing out the beta!
Kelvin Angstrom
Looks amazing Kilian! Well done. Definitely will be trying this!
Kilian Valkhof
@kelvinangstrom Thank you Kelvin!
Diana Whitfield
upvote for this browser design!
Patrick Thompson
Looks solid, congrats on the launch!
Kilian Valkhof
@patrickt010 Thanks Patrick!
Bobbi Reyda
Looks great — love that you can see multiple device/screen sizes at once and that actions are synced across them! Congrats on the launch Kilian!
Zach Schrock
Too much money.
Hrag Chanchanian
Too expensive for convenience if you ask me :\ $144/year $288/2 years $432/3 years I mean, it adds up... for a free browser with the same features, just packaged more conveniently. I feel like this is awesome and useful, but would fare better as an open-source project. As a developer I prefer to build something that a lot would use for free, but that's just me. I commend the effort. Good luck!
Brett Belau
Really wanted to love this as part of my development QA workflow, but it seems I can't just start the 7-day trial and kick the tires without registering for an account that I'll probably forget to cancel. /uninstalled
Kilian Valkhof
@bbelau Hi Brett, I understand your hesitation. If you start the 7 day trial and immediately cancel (so you don't forget), you can still use it for the remainder of the 7 days. Building an account-less trial is a lot of extra work that at this point I'd rather spent on the product itself, I hope you can understand!
Omar Jr
Just trying to get thing clear here, but how is this different from what google chrome offers with its developer tools?
Kilian Valkhof
@codebyomar Hi Omar! Thank you for this question; it's something I have to explain more clearly on the website. Polypane is based on Chromium, just like Chrome. That's why they have the same developer tools, for example. The biggest difference is that Chrome's responsive view only shows you a single instance of your website. That means you'll constantly have to resize that view if you want to test all your responsive breakpoints. Polypane makes this really easy, it shows you all the breakpoints you want to see. Additionally, Polypane will sync your interactions between them, so any clicking and scrolling in one viewport will also happen in the others. That way you're basically developing and testing your website on all your devices at once. There's many more features. Polypane doesn't only know about devices, for example, but also about your website's breakpoints. It can make screenshots of all instances together and css debugging is really easy with the built-in tools.
Dara To
The coupon PH20LAUNCH is not valid anymore? I wanted to try.