Congrats on the launch @jasonyogeshshah and team. Do seems most appropriate for mobile and the action item reminders have a slight Refresh-vibe to them (I like).
The hard part, imo, is changing peoples' behavior. It's easy to fall back on bad habits or avoid processes entirely. How are you making this easy for people to adopt in the beginning?
@rrhoover Thanks Ryan!
For us, a key hook into the product is Thoughts. You have something you want to discuss with someone and you want to do it at the right time (e.g. an amazing new idea for PH meetups you need to discuss live with Erik). We let you say or type it, and then nudge you when the right meeting happens. It's then about alleviating anxiety and feeling a sense of delight when the the thought returns as opposed to some process that takes work to adopt.
That flow is an existing behavior we're tapping into and supporting to bridge you to being a meeting superstar and having better habits. Lots of thoughts on it, but that might be a whole Hooked chapter :)
Hey PH - So excited to share Do for iOS with you today. The iPhone and iPad apps are going to make your meetings so much better :)
Lots to share, but in the meantime, let me know if you have any thoughts!
Product Hunt
Do for Android
Do for Android