Murat Mutlu

Poolside FM 2.0 - Super-summer music website inspired by a '90s OS


A fairly ridiculous super-summer music website with a '90s Mac inspired interface. Poolside FM streams a continuous flow of upbeat tracks and hilarious VHS visuals.
Follow our Instagram account for a very good time: @poolsidefm :)

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What's up ProductHunt! 🌴 We finally managed to release the new version of our stupid online radio website, Poolside FM. There's a lot of stuff to be sad about in the world at the moment, so we've created a virtual getaway – an healthy dose of serotonin straight to the brain. Hope you live it, around today to answer any Q's with the crew @lewisking @niek_dekker @azizfirat 🎊
Matt Gardner
@lewisking @niek_dekker @azizfirat @marty Is it dead? Too many soundcloud requests?
Murat Mutlu
Been a massive user of Poolside FM on the office Sonos, excited to see v2 launch!
@mutlu82 thank you brother!
Juan Buis
very fun thing made by some very talented people! i love everything about this
Lewis King
@juanbuis Thanks so much for the kind words!
Aziz Firat
@juanbuis πŸ’•
@juanbuis thanks friend!
Ryan Hoover
I'm a sucker for nostalgia. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸŽΆ
this is the best !
@graeme_fulton glad you like it Graeme!
Vincent Reinders
Lovely comeback, epic design
Timo Kuilder
@timokuilder ^^ thanks friend!
Edoardo Rainoldi
This is freaking awesome you guys!! The web needed something like this 😍
@edoardorainoldi yoo thank you so much! Thankfully we are stupid enough to be 100% down to spend hundreds of hours on building things that lose money 🌴
Jan KΓΆster
Fantastic work! The vibes are unreal!!! πŸ€™πŸŒ΄πŸΉThank you for this!!!!!
@jankremin happy Friday Jan!
Christophe Pasquier
I was so fan of the first version, this makes me 😱πŸ’₯✨🀩
Amazing, thanks for such product. I'm leaving it open on a second monitor while working and it gives a nice vibe. Would be nice to have an oldschool timer (countdown) on it. Congrats!
Lewis King
@artfloriani Thanks for the suggestion - What would you want it to count down to? A date/time of your choosing?
@lewisking I work using something similar to the Pomodoro technique. I just google "timer 25m", which starts a timer and beeps at the end. So having everything on the Poolside FM would be cooler. Could be helpful for other uses such as cooking, home workouts, reminders, etc.. Not sure if would be used by others, but would be nice-to-have for me ;)
This is so dope, great job guys
Sumeet Shah
1. LOVE this. Congrats on 2.0, guys! 2. On the "Requests" section, I'd love to see you guys partner with a brand or startup at SXSW. Putting out some feelers...
@pe_feeds yes yes yes! Would *love* to make that happen Sumeet.
Hans Desjarlais
mad beats!!! Love it.
Grant Mac
@grantmac_ πŸŒ΄πŸ’›
@vimarethomas 🎢🌴✨
Lui Kohl
Amazing, I love it. Congrats @marty! This is great to have on a side monitor. :)
@lui_kohl glad you like it Lui! Let me know if you have any recommendations or ideas to make it better.
Used to have Poolside as a permanent feature of a showroomβ€”dedicated iMac just blasting out the tunes and playing through the vids. Stoked it's had an upgrade!
Well done guys! absolute vibes.
This is amazing!