
Poolside FM for iPhone - A pool party in your pocket

The super-summer music player comes to iPhone for the first time. Grab another Long Island and pick from a number of sun-drenched channels, each lovingly curated with the sole purpose of lifting your spirits.
"A project of pure fun and joy" – It's Nice That

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I think I've been saying this app is coming 'in the next 2-3 months' for 3years now but alas, here we are! We made it. We tried to build something very uplifting & very different – we hope we've achieved that. So much love to the effortlessly talented @jshmc & @niek_dekker for absolutely smashing this app out over the last few months, it's a dream working with you guys.
Ryan Poole
@jshmc @niek_dekker @marty I just released an surf/dream pop track called “Forever Baby” Under the moniker Nite Tides. Can I submit to Poolside FM for consideration? Also, my last name is Poole, does that give me any sort of preferential treatment? Please advise.
Yiğit Pınarbaşı
I've paid yearly for Spotify and not using it for 3 months because of Poolside.fm. Great for background music while working. Great work mates! 🌴
@yigitpinarbasi that's incredible, I better get my act together and keep the playlists nice & fresh then!
Rob Petrozzo
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 a must-download based on the UI alone, but seriously one of my favorite apps of the year so far. No one is doing brand better than Poolside right now 🌴✨
@robpetrozzo ahhh thanks so much Rob, means a lot
María Fernanda aka Fer (she/her)
@robpetrozzo 100% Agreed on the brand creation process! Beautifully done.
Nicolo S
The design is crazy, love it! Good luck :)
@coconidodev we can thank @niek_dekker for going wild on the UI as ever, and @jshmc for being the kind of guy that is 100% ok with implementing any stupid idea we come up with
Nicolo S
@niek_dekker @jshmc @marty we can indeed! Now I’m on to the sticker grind ;) 😁 want to represent the poolside!
Colin Kiama
This looks amazing! 😭 Android when? 👀
@colinkiama I'll let @jshmc take that one! We've built in React Native so shouldn't take us too long to get it out there.
Josh McMillan
@colinkiama @marty Soon! There's a bit of work needed to get it running smoothly on Android, but it should be in the next month or two, all things going well.
Razzy Lee
Jun Gong
Me: I want to catch the last bit of summer fun with Poolside FM Poolside FM: summer now lasts all year long! Thank you for building this!
@jun_gong we do not recognise winter as a season here at Poolside FM. Enjoy Jun 🍹
Andy Buckingham
Fun, stylish, perfectly formed.
Ryan Hoover
Love Poolside. This is probably my favorite homescreen addition of 2020. @marty, are you planning to add chat (which launched on the web version of Poolside last year?
Nick Dazé
This is the most playful and delightful product design I think I've ever seen.
@nickdaze damn that means a lot! Thanks Nick!
App is snappy AF and UX of the app is also great! I already replaced the spotify app I had in my iphones dock with poolside. Rock on!
@sabarasaba honoured to have earned a position in your dock! 🍹
Sam Poullain
Had the beta for a few days now, absolutely love the app 🌴 📸
Sunny Singh
Finally 🙏🏽
@sunny_singh we made itttt
Jeff Man
Allow yourself to be transported ✨ Fun in the sun 🌞 On a cold/wet day 🌧 Dance to the vibes 🕺🏼 Feel the rays ☀️ Cloud 9 ⛅️ Thx
Narayan Mallapur
Doesn't seem to be available in India on the App Store
@mallapur124 Hey Narayan! It's not searchable yet for some reason - does it work if you use the direct link? https://poolside.fm/ios
Anthony Dike 🌻🐝
this is phenomenal —great job on the launch Marty and crew!
Anthony Dike 🌻🐝
Using the app now. Have you considered adding a "static feedback" noise between time a person switches radio stations? Because, to me, that would def add to the exp
Dru Riley
Downloading now. Now we have vibes on the go.
Theo Kottis
Alexey Sekachov
@niekdekker congrats on launch! great app!
@niekdekker @sekachov thanks friend!
Absolutely unreal! Insane design and such a buttery experience 🤤