I developed a serious lower back injury roughly a decade ago and have struggled to find furniture that would provide me with a combination of support and comfort. In the last several years, I have experimented with it all: couches (both extra firm and soft), hard back chairs, and recliners. While I have found a couple of items that work pretty well for me, I've been searching for a comfortable alternative that would conform to whatever position feels most comfortable to me at the moment.
Which brings me to the Moon Pod -- I LOVE IT! Finally, I can sit on the floor and get comfortable -- if a certain position doesn't work for me, I can re-adjust and the beanbag will re-adjust with me. It's lovely. This past week, ready to settle in to watch a game, I found myself glancing at my couch (which I also am fond of) and the MoonPod and choosing the MoonPod.
I'm puzzled my some of the reviews that I see here. To share my experience:
--My MoodPod shipped immediately and arrived within 3 days. I was able to assemble it pretty easily with another person helping me. If you actually follow the directions, it doesn't break and isn't excessively difficult. I think that some of my friends in the comments were reckless in putting the rather straightforward cover on this thing.
--Sure, the Pod doesn't *actually* mimic weightlessness; that's not how physics works. Anyone who paid $299 for a product that they thought would allow them to transcend the laws of space and time needs to reevaluate their consumer practices. Oh, you don't feel like you are ACTUALLY floating? Have you been to space -- how would you even know what that feels like? But what I have found is this: the Pod is remarkably light, can effectively mold to my body, and is very comfortable. For someone with a bad back, that means a lot.
Actually got this to play on my HTPC and PS4 when I'm JUST. TOO. LAZY to sit in any kind of chair. It is one million percent functional for that task. This feels like a soft fluffy couch without the hard frame underneath. I wouldn't recommend sleeping on it, though.
Don't trust this team to get you an amazing product. I had a lot of issues getting my Gravity Blanket and they were completely unresponsive for 5 months after they said they had delivered it to me (they had not). I was an original backer on Kickstarter and was left behind. It was a horrible experience. I don't recommend using these guys products, they are a marketing machine with no operations or customer success processes.
@dantasman Hi Daniel - We hear you, and we can assure you that the Moon Pod team (different from Gravity) is implementing new strategies, and taking the proper precautions to ensure that Moon Pod backers have a much better customer experience. I'm happy to answer any additional questions!
@dantasman@gregmschwartz I wish there was at least an apology in that reply! No one knows the truth but a sorry would have gone a long way in getting the backer. It definitely looks like some big goof up that you guys did in the comments section both on this product and the Gravity Blanket.
Word of caution for the community!
@kaycee hey Krishna, thanks for your concern. The Gravity team did its best to fulfill the orders that came through on Kickstarter. The team apologizes to every backer who had a less than ideal experience, Daniel included. With a different team and different processes, we’re working really hard to ensure that this campaign runs smoothly! Let me know if you have any questions about Moon Pod!
@gregmschwartz Sorry but in all that I mentioned, I forgot to mention that the product looks great! Wish you all the very best! Really hoping that this product pivots the bad experiences from the past.
My friend has one and it's literally the best thing I've ever sat on - and I've owned two love sacs. Hard to explain but it makes you feel almost weightless.
Eh, I mean, globally it's pretty good chair. I'm not too sure if it's worth 300 bucks, but it does feel comfortable when I'm using my laptop on it or watching TV
4/5 I'd say or thereabouts
Strongly recommend reading some of the 3000+ kickstarter comments on the Gravity blanket, the campaign that existed before this did. It seems to be an endless stream of people complaining they never received the blanket and were ultimately denied any refund (or even a response). The final product that shipped was significantly smaller than the dimensions promised. The dimensions of the actual blanket are identical to weighted blankets sold on alibaba wholesale, etc, suggesting product wasn't even manufactured for the campaign at all. I don't condone the witch hunt nature that some backers have taken into their own hands, but there's no denying that the satisfaction was exceptionally low for the vast majority of people that backed the prior campaign (myself included).
@runsammrun Thanks for the note, and happy to discuss some of your points above. To be clear, Moon Pod is a separate company from Gravity. We’ve made deliberate decisions to do things differently. For example, we're shipping Moon Pod to only the 48 contiguous United States in order to ensure that Moon Pod is delivered safely to all of our backers. Additionally, our manufacturers are ready to handle this campaign and the volume of backers that we're expecting. Additionally, we have a customer support staff ready to handle all of our backers requests.
@runsammrun@johnnyfio Sorry but this response just doesn't do it. Backers of Gravity (I'm one of them) have a right to be vocal about how terrible that customer experience was and to be wary about this new venture. Those who aren't aware, the best advice here is to stay away from Moon Pod. Spare yourselves. Good luck shaking off of the tarnish, John.
@johnnyfio John, there are thousands of backers who have (still) not received their product. They are not invisible and are not in hiding. In fact, they're quite vocal — there are (literally) support groups that have been created to commiserate how awful this campaign was and explore legal options. It is patently absurd for you to suggest it was completed "100%". If thousands of backers do not physically receive the promised final product, how are you calculating this percentage value? This isn't a rhetorical question, I'm truly curious what you mean by "completed 100%" given these circumstances.
I'm genuinely sorry that your last campaign has brought so many enemies your way, but it takes a lot of nerve to come on here and hawk yet another new product and defend your last campaign as if it went all peachy.
@gregmschwartz if your new campaign is so unrelated to the previous one that John was involved in, why does he have *any* association with it? It either is or it isn't — it can't be both.
Picked this up off of their site.
Essentially, the product works as intended. Functionally, it does all of the things it says it's going to do while being comfortable whether you're sitting or lying on it. Construction is high-quality and sturdy... Well, as sturdy as a bean bag chair can be, anyway.
Obviously, the chair doesn't make you feel like you're floating or you're in space. If you're making purchases, try and separate Marketing Jargon from actual function.
This product is extremely comfortable. I wouldn't hesitate recommending it if you're in need of a product of this nature.
I have to say, this is comfortable, but far too expensive for what it is. I am on the line of recommending it. On the one hand, it was good for my tailbone, which has been hurting for a very long time. I cannot sit on proper chairs without an extra cushion.
On the other hand, it is a bean bag chair. If this company had competition in the high end, I feel they would have to drop this price. For now, it is the only similar thing in this range.
@ana_mouratidou hey Ana - thank you so much for your support and your flattering design comparison :) It truly is an incredible feeling to sit in a Moon Pod!
Big thanks to @ryandawidjan for hunting!
Been working with @johnnyfio for a while on this amazing product, and we're incredibly excited to bring it to life on Kickstarter!
Happy to answer any questions about the product -- just reply here :)
A quick search yielded damning results for this team and their unethical business practices. Skimming through the comments on Gravity Blanket and even this product on Kickstarter does not paint a positive picture. Further promoting their products or any product they are involved with would only be a disservice to the users of Product Hunt.
Neat concept
Tainted by unethical business practices from a previous product
Hi @jeffrey - To be clear, Moon Pod is a different company from the previous product. We're taking steps to ensure that everything runs smoothly during this campaign, and beyond. We’ve made the careful decision to ship Moon Pod to only the 48 contiguous United States in order to ensure that backers receive their Moon Pods, and minimize any errors in transit. Our manufacturers are ready to go, and our customer support team is here to respond to any backer questions or requests.
@sherri_craig Thanks for the comment. We made no claims about Moon Pod, just that we think users feel amazing and relaxed when using it! You will no doubt feel more relaxed -- we do, at least :)
Additionally, we mention that we designed it around the idea that it simply mimics the sensations of flotation therapy.
Looks really cool! I wish the video showed how stable the reclining/sitting position is - it always cuts away a little too soon.
For anyone who wants to enjoy the zero gravity experience in the meantime, I highly recommend looking up the zero gravity patio chairs on amazon. Only $50, and comfortable enough to fall asleep in. I do most of my work in one, and it's wonderful. Less versatile than this bean bag, but no reason not to have both :)
@pugson Hi Wojtek, Europe is definitely in our plans! We want to ensure that we can safely deliver products to all of our backers before we expand. Thanks again for all of you support!
Money Over People
Design Sprint Kits
A quick search yielded damning results for this team and their unethical business practices. Skimming through the comments on Gravity Blanket and even this product on Kickstarter does not paint a positive picture. Further promoting their products or any product they are involved with would only be a disservice to the users of Product Hunt.
Pros:Neat concept
Cons:Tainted by unethical business practices from a previous product
The reviews here are irrelevant and for a different product.
Pros:Great product! Very comfy.
Cons:I would want the sleeve to be a darker color to be less likely to get dirty.
Baron Fig
Eat This Much