Jack Kaufman

Monitor and Implement DMARC - A free tool to increase your email's deliverability

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Jack Kaufman
Hi all! I’m Jack and I work on the Postmark team at Wildbit. This is a free tool from Postmark to help you monitor and implement DMARC for your domain. If you aren’t familiar with DMARC, it’s a standard that prevents hackers and spammers from using your domain to send spam without your permission. The tool helps you do this by processing reports from major ISPs about your domain’s DMARC alignment and turns them into beautiful, human-readable weekly email digests, absolutely free. If you have any questions about this tool, I and one or two other members of the Postmark team will be around to answer your questions.
Prah Veluvolu
Been looking for something like this for awhile now. Thanks!
Jack Kaufman
@prahasith_v I'm so glad to hear that! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Jack Smith
this seems like an awesome tool!
Jack Kaufman
@_jacksmith Thanks so much for the kind words Jack! Please email me at jack@wildbit.com if you have any questions about it.
Avinasha Sastry
This is a great tool for anyone who deals with email daily! Thanks @kaufman_jack
Jack Kaufman
@avishastry Thanks for the kind note! Let me know at jack@wildbit.com if I can be of any assistance.