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Posts Table Pro — Start creating instant WordPress tables today


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Posts Table Pro is a WP plugin that lets you organize your content in sortable and searchable manner. WordPress table plugin has support for the custom posts, general posts, and custom fields as well. It is a perfect plugin for those looking to organize their website content into tables. The WordPress tables can be created instantly for a particular page or post using the shortcodes. The shortcodes let you manage your table items brilliantly. All you have to do is enter the shortcodes into the WordPress editor and the changes will be reflected instantly once you save the code. It certainly saves your time in making the manual entries to the table boxes. The extensive documentation lets you understand the plugin in details. Posts Table Pro is 100% responsive plugin and lets you work on mobile devices as well. It is a handy tool for the developers as well as for the intermediate WordPress user. WordPress table plugin is intuitive as well as flexible. Moreover, the plugin is compatible with most of the WordPress themes and plugins. The AJAX loading makes it faster and reduces the server load. It is worth installing if you want to provide a well-structured data to your website readers in form of tables.