Cypress Test Recorder - Write cypress tests that adapt to UI changes and more


⏱️ Create Cypress scripts in minutes with Cypress Recorder
✉️ When recording a test, you can do Email, Visual, PDF and SMS testing.
🧠 Preflight generated Cypress Scripts adapt to UI changes
🎲 Utilize Faker.js variables in your tests

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Hello everyone! 👋 I'm Mustafa and the founder of Preflight. I wanted to make testing easy and accessible for everyone. We all have experienced UI tests that break or are cumbersome to write. That's why we built a Cypress Recorder to let you create scripts that are so powerful that adapt to the changes and let you test Email, SMS, PDF, and many more with no configuration. 🧠 Preflight's Cypress tests can adapt to UI changes ✉️ Email, Visual, SMS, and PDF testing made easy 🔌 Can Integrate into your existing infrastructure 🎲 Utilize Faker.js to create random data in your tests We believe that we can make everyone fall in love with testing. And we can save tons of time from you. Our npm plugin is open source. So, no need to worry about the future. I hope you like what we've built. We're excited to get more feedback and ready to answer all your questions. We are thinking of adding Selenium, Playwright, and more recorders. Let us know which one you want first.
Christian C
awesome! testing is always time consuming, this tool looks really useful!
Christian C
do you have a partnership program?
Kaden Kopas
Such an awesome product! 💪
Thank you very much Kaden! @kopask