
Prelisted - Get paid to find your apartment's next renter

Prelisted lets someone pay you to secure your apartment next. You set a referral fee and introduce them to your landlord. When they sign a lease, you get paid. You book flights, hotels, and concerts early on, why not your apartment?

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Hey Product Hunt! As a Bay Area resident, I've seen how quickly new apartments get snatched up by the first person to tour or apply. Most listings are for immediate move in. It's a narrow snapshot of apartment options that changes at any given time. To me, it seems odd that we can't find out which apartments in which neighborhoods will be coming available in the future. We often know future availability for more trivial things like flights, hotels or concerts. Why not apartments? At the same time, current renters know when they're going to move, so why not earn money by introducing someone to their landlord beforehand? Prelisted takes care of the exchange of payments and the screening process, through a partnership with Equifax. The current renter sets a "referral fee" usually 10-25% of an apartment's monthly rent. An applicant that passes screening can tour with the current renter and get introduced to the landlord to sign a new lease. There is no fee if an applicant does not sign a lease. This is the beginning, and we're excited to hear feedback.