- Get a new virtual card for every transaction is an innovative way to protect your personal information over the internet. Are you feeling uncomfortable using your credit card online? has the perfect solution - it creates a virtual card that masks your bank statements for your online payments.
Shared Cards by Privacy - Safely and securely share your card number with anyone
The easiest way to share a card with limits.
For business: Share cards with spending limits to employees for company expenses.
For friends: Send a friend a few bucks for shared expenses
For parents: Set monthly caps on how much the kids can spend Cashback Program - Get 1-5% cashback on purchases with Privacy's virtual cards's Cashback Program is here! protects your hard-earned cash when you shop online by generating virtual cards that give Cashback!
Freeze, unfreeze, and close cards any time.
Simple Cashback. Real rewards on debit.