Chris Messina

Rownd Data Privacy Platform - Give your users control over their personal data

Top Hunter

Customers are demanding control over their personal data. Give it to them with ease.
✔ Onboard your app or website in minutes
✔ Securely send data with easy to use APIs and SDKs
✔ Give your end-users complete control with the plug-n-play Personal Data Center.

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
If multiple services use Rownd, will I, as the end user, get to manage all my data from one central location? Would this mean that Rownd is acting as a data fiduciary?
Robert Thelen
@chrismessina great question! Yes, using our Personal Data Center, you (as an end user) can easily claim, manage, and edit, and even revoke access to multiple sites, in one place. We firmly believe the data is yours and that you have the right to "lease" or "lend" it to websites and apps. For those that don't know what a data fiduciary is an intermediary between the data owner (user) and the data processor (the app). That is exactly what Rownd is doing!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@robert_thelen right on, very cool!
Robert Thelen
Hey Product Hunt! 👋 My name is Robert Thelen and I lead the wonderful Rownd team. We are very excited to be launching The Rownd Data Privacy Platform on Product hunt! Personal data belongs to us! It is our name, our address 📬 , our email 📧, our cell number ☎️, our birthdate 🎂, our MAC address 💻. The summation of that data is our identity! 🧑‍🦰👨🏽‍🌾👩🏽‍🏫👨🏻‍🍳🧑🏾‍🚀🧑🏻‍🚒🎅🏻👩🏾‍💻🧑🏿‍🎓🙋🏼 For too long, our data has been exploited, traded, and sold. This diminishes the value of something that we own. But through data privacy laws (like GDRP and CCPA) and rapidly changing consumer attitudes (just look at what happened to WhatsApp after their privacy policy edit) real data privacy and ownership is coming. Focus on your app, your project, your passion, not on personal data privacy. We at Rownd believe EVERYONE deserves true individual data privacy, ownership, and security. We build the Rownd Data Privacy Platform to empower every app builder and business owner that agrees with us to turn their project or company into a data privacy-centric one. A few months ago, we launched Privacy Hunt. We started by putting the END-USER (the user of the app) at the very center of our platform. From how data is stored, to how the end-user can claim their data, we assume personal data belongs to the person. We added a number of dev tools to make it easier to get started! 🚀 Developer centric platform, add your app and data types (and data governance) in minutes 🚀 Easy to use API and over 10 SDKs for the most popular languages 🚀 Secure and encrypted Rownd Data Vault with data stored from an end-user perspective 🚀 Plug and Play Personal Data Center: End users can claim, manage, edit, and even delete data (hello no more manual Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR)) Give your customers and users control and make the world a slightly better place! (And save yourself the headache of responding to DSARs- while you’re at it!) Share your thoughts in comments below 👇
Robert Thelen
Wanted to tell you a bit of WHY we built the Rownd Data Privacy Platform: There was no aha moment, it was more of a slow burn. We started as a connected car company that wanted to save lives by giving driving feedback, take turns slower, etc. But we also wanted to make sure the end user had comlete control over their data, since that much data can be dangerous. But, we found out that most of the people we interviewed thought they were above average drivers, but they really loved the data angle! At the same time, at my day job, I also worked with large enterprise clients that were just starting to extract personal data for gain. They knew so much it was like having a spy follow you around. All of this came to front when my duaghter was born! At that moment, I knew I wanted to build a world where she would not have corporations spying on her and she could have control over her personal data. So we started to build the Rownd Personal Data Center on nights and weekends.
JJ Tang
Congrats on the launch! Just tried it out and really enjoyed the "try it out" button. As a non-developer, it was nice to be able to at least give it a whirl. Do you have any no code tools coming?
Robert Thelen
@jjrichardtang Thank you for the feedback! Yes, more low-code and no-code tools are coming! Our goal is to become the "Stripe for Personal Data"!
Newton Piccone
Have been looking forward to this for a while. Loved Privacy Hunt and this is a cool product to actually make change!
Robert Thelen
@newton_piccone Thank you! The Privacy hunt launch really taught us a lot about Data Privacy and just how backwards it all is. Instead of creating user experiences for users and people, most large (and many small) companies make them for lawyers. We learned that transparency is the best policy and user empowerment is the best practice when it comes to data privacy. Today, we are launching Rownd to flip the script!
Ali Alsayed
It's finally here! And I agree that it's really cool that visitors can try it out easily. If I can withdraw my money from the bank whenever I want, I should be able to withdraw some or all my data whenever I want.. agree?
Robert Thelen
@ali_alsayed 100% agree and thank you so much for being a part of our journey! Its your data and it has value, you should be able to "lease" or "lend" it to an app or company for a finite amount of time and "withdraw" it at any time! You've been with us since the very beginning (months ago)!
Bogdan Ionita
Nice, so much to be on the lookout for in terms of personal data, that having it neatly stored in one place makes total sense. Congrats on the launch!
Robert Thelen
@bogdan_ionita thank you for your feedback. Really appreciate it an agree! I have been following for a while and admire your privacy practices. Thank you!
Will Gregory
This is exactly what Silicon Valley needs at this critical point in its history. Data privacy and security will only grow in importance over the next decade. This is an elegant solution to an otherwise tricky challenge. Well done.
Robert Thelen
@williamgregory thanks for the feedback! Data Privacy will be the major tech trend of the next decade as well! We built Rownd around the end-user, from our architecture to the user experience, to do cool stuff like the personal data center. Also, this really helps with data requests! Give the power back to the people!
TJ Koines
@williamgregory Thanks Will! We're hoping with changing regulations, tools like Rownd, and the interest of people like you we can help drive a change that gives people the right to control who has access to their data and how it is used!
Bilal Chaglani
Brilliant stuff! Companies in their nascent stage can also implement with ease now. No excuses 😉
Robert Thelen
@bilal_chaglani thank you, that was our goal! Our goal is to make Data Privacy radically simple! Right now, we have an API and SDK, and our personal data center is plug-in-play and in the future we want to add even more low-code / no-code tools to take away all barriers!
Richard I Porter
Congrats on the launch to you and the whole team! A question: when An end users turns “off” a piece of data is it really something a tool or site can no longer access? How can we show it’s not just hidden in the UI?
Robert Thelen
@richardiporter thank you for the kind words and that is a great question. The full premise behind the Rownd Data Privacy Platform is that apps and websites (especially ones made my Makers!) can offload the risk of storing PII as well as the burden of regulatory requirements (like data requests) WHILE giving customers control over their data. The second an end-user turns off a piece of data, the app can no longer access that data. The end-user can also update personal information, download it, understand why the data is being collected and what happens if it is turned off!.
Richard I Porter
@robert_thelen that makes sense and sounds really valuable! So if an end user has turned off a piece of data, say cell phone number, it will display as “turned off” to that end user in the Rownd personal data center UI - but it’ll also return a 401 or 403 or something to my app or site when I call for that data?
Robert Thelen
@richardiporter great question! The app gets the data as "redacted" in the API response, so they can do custom "redact" handling for that piece of data.
Hannah Thelen
I am so excited to finally see a product that gives me control over my own data as a user. I feel empowered to take ownership over something that has truly always been mine. I really think this is a product that will change data as we know it!
Robert Thelen
@hannah_thelen thank you! Hannah writes a series of blog articles for is called Data Privacy University, where she walks through what data is and how it effects our lives.
Bonnie Burckel
Congratulations to the entire team for the launch! Go, go, go :)!! The world needs you!
Robert Thelen
@bonnie_burckel thank you for the kind words! Come join the data privacy revolution!
Ryan Sears
Data privacy is a huge issue that continues to emerge. Thank you for building a tool to empower individuals to control their own data. Much needed! Congrats!
Robert Thelen
@ryan_sears Thank you for your kind words! Like you said, Data Privacy is about empowerment and building trust!
Jason Cavness
Robert and his team are building a great product and solving a very distinct problem. I personally know Robert and his passion for solving this problem is unmatched by any founder I know. Take control of your data with Rownd.
Robert Thelen
@jasoncavness thank you Jason! Really appreciate the kind words! This has been a labor of love that I hope will someday radically change the world for the better.
Rachel Radulovich
@jasoncavness Thanks for the kind words, Jason!
Brad V
So great to see a product like this arrive in the market! A dose of data sovereignty would be a nice change.
Robert Thelen
@brad_v thanks for the feedback! We are very proud of the work we have so far and looking forward to making real change!
Brandon Aaron
This is a mission I can get behind. I have been lucky enough to speak with Robert one on one about his mission. So excited to watch Rownd change the game. Keep it up!
Rachel Radulovich
@highr1 thanks for the kind words, Brandon!
Morgan Maccherone
Awesome work, team! This is definitely what the world (and any company handling personal data) needs right now. Can't wait to see this succeed!
Robert Thelen
@morgan_maccherone thank you for the kind feedback! We 100% agree!
John Arts
Great work Robert, this is really needed in the market!