Everything you need to be an amazing product manager.
Janna Bastow
ProdPad: AI Assistant for Product People — Automate the product management grunt work and win back time
The original product management platform just got even better. Now packed full of AI, ProdPad will automate the grunt work and guide you to greatness. Free-up hours with our AI Assistant, and be a best-practice powerhouse with guidance from your AI Coach.
Janna Bastow
Top Product
Hey Product Hunters! 👋 Extremely thrilled to launch ProdPad AI to you good people today. ProdPad was the first product management platform, pioneering the category and inventing the Now-Next-Later roadmap. And here we are again, changing the game 🙌. Our reason-for-being is to relieve the pain and problems product managers face and help them implement and manage the product culture of their dreams. We initially built ProdPad as a tool to use ourselves as struggling product managers, overwhelmed by the weight of all the roadmapping, backlog refinement and feedback management work. ProdPad took a load of that weight off. It worked. And worked REALLY WELL. As a team, we’re laser focused on saving PMs as much time as possible so you folks do less grunt work and more of the valuable stuff. This has never been more important. Times are tough. Budgets are tight. The pressure to prove your worth and deliver value has never been harder felt. And that’s where ProdPad can help. A product manager armed with ProdPad and the ProdPad AI Assistant can do the work of 5 product managers who aren’t ProdPadded up. Our work into AI assistance for product managers started way back before other PM tools were offering anything of the kind. We’ve learnt a lot and are very pleased to say we have the widest and most advanced set of AI tools of any product platform. Unlike general generative AI tools, ProdPad AI is tailored with your product and strategy knowledge right from the get-go. It marries this with a deep understanding of product management best practice, to give you the right output first time. And ProdPad AI is doing so much more than generating user stories, fleshing out ideas and building out key results. We’ve put AI to use as your sidekick and personal coach. It can tell you if your product vision is any good, if your ideas are aligned with your roadmap's vision, and provide expert product management advice tailored to your specific needs. This is just the start. We’re shipping new AI features and enhancements every single week. So I’d urge you all to check it out. Let our AI Assistant and AI Product Coach handle the grunt work and help you… ✍️ Smash through all your writing tasks in moments - from idea descriptions to user stories 💡 Build out your roadmap in a flash - generate roadmap initiatives, new ideas and even product goals 🧹 Refine your backlog in half the time - stop duplicates, automatically link feedback and more 🤓 Be a best-practice powerhouse with real-time coaching and advice at every stage We’ve opened up our sandbox environment so you can jump in and have a play with some real data already there. Let me know what you think! Happy exploring, Janna Bastow
Antoni Kozelski
@simplybastow Congratulations on the launch of ProdPad AI! Your commitment to making life easier for product managers is a new approach of artificial intelligence and very relevant in challenging times. 📈💡👏 looking forward to the new features
Daniel Feles
@simplybastow Impressive stuff, Janna and team! ProdPad's commitment to easing the product management journey is appreciated, and the AI-driven features could be a game-changer. Excited to explore your tool. Congrats, and good luck!
Marc Abraham
@simplybastow Huge congratulations on the launch of ProdPad AI, I really love how the product clearly helps PMs to be more efficient with their time and get valuable support with their product ideas. Great to see the built-in feedback summary capability (incl. sentiment) and the AI Assistant. Congratulations and look forward to trying the product!
Simon Cast
Thanks @marc_abraham! It has been interesting working out how to make it all work for product managers. cc @simplybastow.
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@marc_abraham Thanks very much! I look forward to your feedback. Your hot take on product tools is of course very valuable to me 😁
Janna Bastow
Top Product
My favourite quotes/reviews/testimonials so far: 🌟 I've been playing around with it and have to say it's one of the most impressive tools I've ever used. The UI/UX/comms are soooo slick. 🌟 Holy sh*t batman, this is a game changer ProdPad! 🤩 Loving this new feature and not starting from a blank sheet of paper. Extra impressive in that ours is quite a niche B2B product. 🌟 The compare idea to product vision is a very pleasant surprise. I tried it for one of our ideas and the response was spot on. Even highlighted considerations around privacy! I’m very impressed.
Rob Walling
This looks amazing! Huge, congrats to Janna and the rest of the ProdPad team.
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@robwalling Big thanks Rob! It's been mindblowing to see what we can do with tech this year 🤯🤓🚀
Jalil Asaria™
Incredible. Knowin the space so well I know how the industry and PM's especially are going to benefit from this. Its such a grat advancement and frees up the planning process not to mention the amount of time saved! Great work to the ProdPad team.
Congrats on the Launch. This idea of taking the tedium out of our daily tasks is a really interesting and can do wonders for optimizing our typical workflow. I am currently on this soap box about customer listening and love the sentiment and summary option for the Customer Feedback part of the workflow.
Lenny Rachitsky
Congrats Janna!
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@lenny_rachitsky Thanks very much Lenny, we really appreciate your support! 😎
Glenn Block
Congratulations Janna and crew! This is great to see! The more I use tools like ChatGPT, the more I become a believer in how it can greatly remove the tax of things we don't want to do but need to do in order to get to the things we really want do :-) These are the places where our passion and expertise shine and where we get the biggest learnings. Looking forward to exploring the new AI features more, but big +100 from me!
Eric R. Burgess
I can't seem to enter the sandbox. Having issues?
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@erburgess Hey Eric, sorry about that! It's working for me and others from what we can tell. What are you running into? If you've got any insights (eg what page you're on, what the page is doing), drop our team a line at - they'll keep an eye out for your message and help you get in.
Pradip Khakhar
All the best ProdPad team 🙌 another reason to keep recommending ProdPad.
Simon Cast
@pradipcloud thank you!
Narasimha |
Automating the product management grunt work and winning back time sounds really interesting. All the best I'm so glad you've developed a cool video. Kudos to your efforts. P.S. Please let me know if you need any help in creating an Awesome Custom Animated Explainer video.
Jason Tanner
An automated "backlog deduplicator" is a terrific capability! Great work @prodpad
Bosky Mukherjee
Congrats @simplybastow - this is so amazing to hear. Have been a Prodpad user since 2017 and have loved it ever since. The AI Assistant for Product People is kick ass - wish I could take back time to all those long hours I spent writing and refining. Congrats again!
Gabrielle Bufrem
love how this enables AI to help product managers do their jobs better. less time documenting and writing means more time to do product discovery and focus on high leverage activitie!
Anton Cherkasov
Congratulations on the launch of ProdPad AI! It sounds like a fantastic tool for product managers. How does the AI Assistant provide tailored product management advice?
Ben Williams
Wow @simplybastow this is wonderful, and is going to help make PMs more productive. Can't wait to see where you folks take this next! Kudos to you and the ProdPad team!
AI continues to permeate every field. Congratulations on the launch
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@alex_egorov It certainly does! Love seeing how much it's been able to being us closer to our original vision: to be a tool that actually improves your product management. The coach/sidekick elements of this are particularly impressive!
JC Landivar
Ummmm yeah! Game changer. Look I know it won’t be perfect or replace actual thinking but this gives me a huge head start. This will help me because it’ll allow me to be more effective faster and allow me to actually take a moment to think through things because I won’t be scrambling as much. I’m using this.
congratulations on the launch Janna! Just a quick question - Does it help product managers with the communication side of things or getting the work done inside of things?
Dan Tegzes
It’s amazing that you guys pulled this off! Great team! 😎
Janna Bastow
Top Product
@dan_tegzes Thanks so much! It's been a fun series of discovery, learning, and iteration to get it to this point. Lots of big WOW moments as we figured out what the tech could do 🤯
Matt Williams
Congrats on the launch! Such a helpful tool for streamlining a ton of processes! 🚀