
Medium Battle - See who's better at writing on Medium

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Ryan Hoover
You may have the home field advantage, but looks like I'm winning, @ev. ๐Ÿ˜
Nick Zieber
@rrhoover @ev Hoover with the upset!
Thomas K. Running
Really cool, but shouldn't a lower grade level be better than a higher one? @ernstmul
Niv Dror
Well, this is an awesome concept ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Aditya Shirole
@nivo0o0 You might want to check out this WIP Product Hunt Battle :-P . Here is what the final product will look like
Alex Mitchell
Very cool! @ernstmul Think I found out that I write at too high of a grade level though... ๐Ÿ˜
Ibbe Raja
@amitch5903 is that ever a bad thing? ๐Ÿ˜‚Everyone needs to bring their standards up not down, am i right?
Josh Barkin
i like this logo better than the actual Medium Logo
Pawel Janiak
very nice but maybe capture the usernames people add and save them all, then get the best 50 or whatever and offer them as recommendations. I wanted to try this out but don't follow any medium writers so I don't know their names.
Jon Auerbach
Interesting project, but no way to reset and do a new battle other than reloading.
Kiki Schirr
Oh man, and I thought my love of vanity metrics couldn't get more intense... Great, simple idea!
Samarth Sikotara