Unused CSS finder crawls your website (following all the internal links), analyses all the pages and provides a list of unused css-selectors found in your stylesheets.
This is nice but one major thing right away... you need to have better error handling... entering in "domain.com" says Done no unused sectors instead of "hey this actually didn't work because we require you to enter http:// or https:// before the domain". And have one for unresolved domains... tested "sldfjsklfjlksdfksdkfsdjlfjdslfjsdfs.com" and it said the same thing.
But... that's easy to implement. Cheers!
This looks awesome!! Feature request: a version of this but for sass/Scss to identify un-used functions/variables. Could integrate into atom/sublime/visual studio
Just tried it, too. Great effort. Keep. Going.
I've been looking for something along these lines, except for web app (auth'd users). A Chrome extension would be great... check a page/view against the loaded CSS file. Would really help refactoring our application.
Was really hoping that it would work but tried it on over a dozen websites, and they all came back with (and in most cases in less than 2 seconds):
"Stand by...
No unused selectors found."
In most cases so quickly that I doubt it was checking them or maybe was hitting a barrier and stopping right there - tried it on a dead URL www.comcetclu.com and it came back with the same result.
Something's not quite right :/ :(
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Are there any prerequisites to the web pages for it to work?
Pros:The idea is really usefull
Cons:Does not work on a page where I know that there are unused CSS classes.
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Keep up the good work
Pros:I've been meaning to find this for a while
Cons:could go a little bit beyond what it find out
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