Product Hunt
The place to discover your next favorite thing.
Vladimir Vladimirov
Product Hunt 4.0 for Mobile β€” Discover your next favorite thing, now on iOS and Android πŸ“±

Product Hunt 4.0 for Mobile is faster, simpler, and more informative. The was rewritten from scratch, available on iOS and (finally!) Android. Enjoy. 😸

Taylor Crane
How was the app built? Native code or react native?
Nic Coates
Congrats @devladinci Β·@rrhoover @chadwhitaker on the new version + new addition to the app family! I've been testing the new app for a week or so (via the PH Mobile Ship page πŸ‘‰ go subscribe So much quicker + can do more! Yay!
Ryan Hoover
@gadgick appreciate your support!
Jarod Stewart
The superior operating system now included... bout time.
Varun Dave
Android finally! Great job!
Balaji R
The app is very well done for a 1.0 πŸ‘. Kudos on the launch. There are a few things that I think need some lovin: 1) On fresh launch, when I click on a product from the home page, it opens up the card view to that product. All good till now. Now, if I back out and click on another product from the home page, it opens up a random card 😿. 2) The card based navigation is super frustrating. You should try and ignore the swipe distance and just move the cards one at a time. 3) One of the most important features of a product listing are the comments. It's really sad that only the top two comments are featured in the card view. And to make it worse, when you click on `show more`, it opens up the full product view and scrolls all the way to the bottom. This makes me loose my position in the comments section. 4) As others have suggested, a Dark Mode would be super helpful. 5) I also think, the number of comments could be placed for each product on the home page. That would help encourage people to participate in the discussion. Overall, a great start. I'm a little sad that it took this long for an Android app but I get it 😜
Ghost Kitty
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Vladimir Vladimirov
@itsnblackburn Android or iOS ?
Ghost Kitty
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Vladimir Vladimirov
@itsnblackburn Latest build? Can you check for update? Super strange. I'm reworking login will use native one :)
Ghost Kitty
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<3 <3 <3
Chris Herbert
Is there no way to add products to our saved lists via the mobile app? Can't seem to find it.
Ryan Hoover
@hrbrt not yet but this is one of the things we want to add asap as many use the mobile app to "bookmark" things they want to check out later, sometimes on their desktop.
Chris Herbert
@rrhoover Thanks. I tried submitting this via the TestFlight email but it told me the address you folks supply in the app doesn't exist.
Ryan Hoover
@hrbrt uh-oh! Can you please confirm which email you tried to email?
Vladimir Vladimirov
@rrhoover @producthunt @hrbrt Oh my bad, will update it
Vladimir Vladimirov
@hrbrt shake your device, or go to settings ’contact support.’
Jules Chaufour
I finally understand why it took so long to optimize the app for iPhone X!
Ryan Wilhelm
nice work
Nice to see some Android love! Ide much rather scroll the screenshots than scroll to the next app. In fact, I would never flip through every app like that, ide use the list and poke around. Speaking of poking around, I consistently get the wrong app details when tapping an app from the list. I think I get whichever app was in it's place in the list before I scrolled. I was bummed when "add to list" was removed from the mobile web app +1 for adding it to the native app. Android Pixel 2
Vladimir Vladimirov
@gerbz Will add `Add to collection` or `Bookmark` in the next release :) About the wrong index, working on that
@devladinci sweet! Also when posting the comment you replied to, I had no confirmation that the comment was posted, and then couldn't find it for the life of me in the app. I honestly assumed it didn't work and I didn't feel like writing it again. Glad it did tho! ;)
Chris Lowthian
Loving it! Great job πŸ™‚
Brad Ungar
@ryanhoover why am I having trouble finding all my collections on iOS after update?
Angelo Francisco
Great job to the team πŸ”₯ I’m really interested in the choice to adopt React Native for feature parity and responsiveness across both platforms.
Vladimir Vladimirov
@eightbitjoker As an iOS dev I was against RN initially by the way :) They I've played around a little bit and started to love it (Web is on React so no big surprise) :) To be honest, I like it, view styling and development speed are impressive. Maybe lack of packages (good ones and frequently updated) is a problem, but hey this is the relatively new community it will catch up eventually.
Angelo Francisco
@devladinci I'd have to agree, I've also worked on porting our native iOS and Android apps to React Native. The long term benefit of consolidating development time outweighs any growing pains regarding packages in my opinion (plus writing packages is pretty straightforward coming from native frameworks).
Ameer Ahmed
I have been testing this app for some time now. Its πŸ”₯. Only thing missing is night mode.
Ryan Hoover
@ameerahmed oooh, neat idea. 🌚
Vladimir Vladimirov
@ameerahmed Will be added! Love the idea!
Cheng Qian
What happened to lists?
Ryan Hoover
@chiancheng by lists do you mean collections? Unfortunately it didn't make it into this release but it's coming soon!
Ignacio Herreros
@rrhoover but you didn’t remove them, did you!!? The ability to save our favorite products in different collections is one of Product Hunt’s features. Please don’t undervalue it!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@rrhoover this makes me sad. β€”signed sincerely, superuser
@iherreros You can still make collections via PH website πŸ™‚
Brad Ungar
@iherreros agreed! I can’t live without my collections. So many products saved, actually my most regular use of PH.
Del Williams
Snazzy new threads (figure of speech). I like the new Product Hunt.
Dakota Younger
How do I add things to collections though?
Vladimir Vladimirov
@dakotayounger Not available in this version, will add `Bookmark` or `Save to collection` it in next one :)
Dakota Younger
@devladinci Wasn't able to see the earlier posts regarding this so apologies for the redundancy. Thanks for the response and update though! Nice work on the new app!
Loris Maz
Awesome! Can we scroll back to the top of today’s list by tapping on the Home icon now? πŸ˜›
Vladimir Vladimirov
@lorismaz no home button trend :)
I’m still seeing 3.8.9 in the App Store...
Nick Abouzeid
@mzuvella Taking a little bit to propagate. Give it a bit πŸ™