Eithiriel DeMerè

ProductPlan Product Roadmap Software - Easiest way to plan, visualize, & share your product roadmap


ProductPlan makes it easy for teams to build beautiful roadmaps. Thousands of product managers worldwide trust ProductPlan to help them visualize and share their strategies across their entire organization.

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Hal Gottfried
I just stated using this for a new component we are working getting to market .. Great tool !
Jim Semick
@hgottfried Thanks for trying ProductPlan! Please let us know if we can help you get started or give you a product tour.
Hal Gottfried
@jimsemick Will do. I introduced it at a couple Maker events in this area hoping to help it take off too.
Blake Burris
@jimsemick Super cool collection of features. Looking into how it might work with our support desk options and Asana – would love a tour.
Jim Semick
@blakeburris thanks for trying ProductPlan! We'd love to give you and your team a tour. We'll reach out soon to schedule it.
Cat Noone
Nice! Have been looking for something like this for a while now. Currently, there was only Aha! who did this (that I know of) but the product is quite heavy and not something that I felt got the job done in a simple and easy-to-use way like ProductPlan. My only gripe (don't know if this applies to anyone else) is the fact that I heavily use Wunderlist for my product(s) and planning certain features, when they're due, who is owning it, etc. Granted it's not very kanban-esque but it's super simple, is in the same place as all of my other content and get's the job done beautifully. Are there any plans for integration? I'd love to be able to just quickly add something to Wunderlist and have the info (name) port into a Lane in ProductPlan based on the date I've set for it. From there, I can go into ProductPlan and edit accordingly. This can probably work for products like Trello as well, though I'm unsure if they have a public API (Wunderlist does). At any rate, fantastic product and look forward to seeing how it progresses over time. Question regarding ProductPlan itself though: 1. What was the reasoning for not allowing dates to be set on bars? Seems like the only place they can be set is on the milestones. 2. Any way to shrink or expand the size of a bar? Right now, they're all the same size but honestly don't need to be. Allowing the change in size would definitely visualize how small or grand a particular feature or release will be. Thanks a ton!
Jim Semick
@imcatnoone Cat, thank you for your comments and kind words about ProductPlan! Answers to your questions: 1.) We didn't include dates because we heard from product managers that they didn't want to set date-driven expectations with their stakeholders. This is especially true for agile product teams planning future initiatives when dates are really fuzzy. But that said, there are times when our customers want to show a date, so we'll be introducing a feature to optionally display dates on Bars and Containers :-) 2.) Do you want to shrink/expand the length or height of the Bar? If you want to adjust the length, you can drag the right side of the bar to adjust its size. If you want to adjust the height, you can change this in Settings, but all bars are adjusted for a consistent look. Let me know if that didn't answer your question. Regarding integrations, we currently integrate with Atlassian JIRA and are planning integrations with other tools. Good suggestion for Wunderlist. Thank you again!
Cat Noone
@jimsemick Can totally understand not having date-driven expectations. With my startup, as features have dates set, they are easily broken. It happens, but I personally love setting a date for us to at least strive for. If it needs readjusting, so be it. So that was my line of thinking. Happy to hear you'll be adding an optional date display! As for the bar, I'll give it a try! Didn't see that capability earlier. Thanks, Jim!
Eithiriel DeMerè
Wish I would've known about ProductPlan a month ago when I was working on a product roadmap. πŸ’›
Andy O'Dower
Interested in feedback of this vs ProdPad. Also, depending on team size, when does a tool (and the time to maintain it) just for road mapping become cumbersome?
Jim Semick
@odower We've learned from our customers that as the product team grows, product roadmap software becomes more valuable. In smaller startups it's not as much of a problem because everyone is already on the same page. But as the organization gets bigger (and product lines become more complex) it becomes harder to keep the roadmap and decision-making process consistent across product managers. It also is harder to keep stakeholders informed about changes to the roadmap. That's when software like ProductPlan becomes really valuable.
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
@odower For teams of any size, a tool for roadmapping forces you to make concrete decisions and move forward. Without a tool (or a spreadsheet or whatever you want to use), roadmapping can become an informal process that feels like progress but is actually chaos. With no written record, you also end up with no journal of what decisions you made or why. This is problematic if there is a leadership change, if your team grows, if you need to assess a pivot, etc. Startups might not use all of the features that a product like this one has right away, but even using it to get the basic decisons captured is a great start.
nicely done folks. love the ease of use.
Jim Semick
@zedsq thank you! We have focused very much on ease of use and simplicity, and our customers really appreciate it.
Alexander Kehaya
@jimsemick Congrats on getting featured! Great work. Love the product.
Jim Semick
@afkehaya Thanks Alex!
Arlo Gilbert
This looks really fantastic. Much cheaper than Aha which is good because their pricing is crazy, but I do wonder where you got your pricing from? For big companies this is cheap, but for startups a lot of them are using Google Sheets and their cost is 0 for that. I would love to see more companies building single use products like this have a super cheap entry level (and no, $25 is not super-cheap, thats $300/yr) - Combine this with the other 15 products that all want 20-40/mo and the entire SaaS model becomes so expensive for small companies.... Don't get me wrong, the product looks awesome I just question the price.
Jim Semick
@arlogilbert Thanks for your nice comments! We designed our pricing to scale with the size of the company (typically 1 Editor license for every product manager). We also created a pricing model that is unique in that we don't charge for roadmap Viewers/Collaborators - those licenses are free. That way ProductPlan roadmaps can be shared widely with stakeholders, execs, investors, board members, etc. without costing any more.
Terry Xu
Great job! Been wanting something like this for a while but didn't have time nor enough passion to build it.
Jim Semick
@coolnalu Thanks Terry! We have had a great time building (and selling) ProductPlan.
Nuriel Zuarez
looks great. i really like the clean approach. giving it a try now, you have great timing :)
Jim Semick
@nuriezu Thanks for the nice comment. Please let us know if we can answer any questions.
Hal Gottfried
@adower I know from my pov (strictly an end user in this case), while ProdPad was nice it didn't seem to have the bells and whistles this does.
Peter Kisel
Pure awesomeness! I love the way how ProductPlan both does and does not reveal a timeline at the same time. I can show a nice approximate roadmap to my CEO and I'm yet still not committing to an exact date ✌ Helps me to manage expectations in an agile environment a lot easier
Ronan Dunlop

The team produces phenomenal content in the form of blogs and white papers as well as partnerships such as webinars with www.theproductstack.com


Great product. Simple to use, appealing design, integrations with Pivotal Tracker, Slack and Trello are immensely useful


Can't think of any right now.

Sarthak Pranit
This rocks!!!!! :D Thanks Jim :) Huge problem solver for people in multiple sprints at the same time... godsend for designers :)
Jim Semick
@nakliguru Thanks! We have a great team behind this. I trust you found the Sprint timeline setting.
Jim Semick
I wanted to thank the Product Hunt community for giving ProductPlan such a warm reception! The last few days have been a lot of fun. For those of you who signed up for a free 30 day trial, please let us know if we can answer any questions during your trial. Jim
Prabhakar Undurthi
This is really rocks!!!!. Nicely done. Great work @jimsemick
Jim Semick
@prabhakar_u Thank you! We have a great team behind ProductPlan.
Burton Miller
This looks pretty promising. Has the features and experience that I've been looking for.
Jim Semick
@burton_miller Thanks for the comment and for trying ProductPlan! Please let us know if we can answer questions or give you a tour.
Hamish Cameron
Massive fan of this
Jim Semick
Hi @cameronhamish Thanks for being a customer!
Kevin Steigerwald

I've used ProductPlan for multiple years. The updates have been great and the team is very responsive to feedback.


No complicated features/UI. Great for collaboration and visibility. Adapts to your ranking needs & works well with any type of roadmap.



Scott Brothers

I have introduced and facilitated the implementation of Product Plan at over 5 companies all with great results.


Product Plan Pro is an extensive product roadmapping tool that integrates with JIRA and tracks all of our companies product efforts


Product Plan should integrate more with JIRA

Daniel Nelson

Looking forward to successfully managing our product roadmaps!


The ease of this tool is one of the many reasons we chose to partner with product plan. Also, their support team.


None that I can think of!

Carmelette Benson

Also, would like to see additional administrator ability to change ownership of individual roadmaps vs having to change ownership in bulk.


This is a very user friendly product that allows for easy creation of roadmaps and the ability to provide our stakeholders visibility.


Improved version control of the roadmaps that allows users the ability to revert back to a previous version if necessary.