Andrey Azimov

Progress Bar OSX - This is your life and it's ending ⏳ one minute at a time


Progress Bar OSX shows you exactly how much % of the year, month and day has progressed in your OSX menu bar. Inspired by Year Progress tweets

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Andrey Azimov
Hi PH, Did you know it's 2018 and it's already 35% over? πŸ’¬ The Story I am a big fan of year_progress tweet but I want to see not only year I want to see month and day progress as well in minimal OS X menu bar with a cool progress bar. 🎁Features: - Show/hide progress bar - Change the time when your day starts and ends - Add your custom deadlines. Write a name with emoji and set a start date and end date - Launch on startup - Dark Mode Support - Change formats of displayed text 🎬 Here is a video demo
This app is a part of my Hard Core Year - I 😱 quit my job and I have 1 year to get to πŸ“ˆ profit as Indie Maker. You can read my story here: πŸ‘‰
@andreyazimov Awesome idea! Love how you can switch between Day/Month/Year. One thing is I feel like after a while I'd get used to seeing it and stop focusing on it, so why not make it display a random emoji next to it everyday to keep it noticeable?
@andreyazimov it's amazing to follow your progression. A year ago you couldn't code, now you've made Sheet2Site and a damn OSX app. Proud of you 🌢🌢🌢
Juliana Halko
@andreyazimov I love this idea! (from a girl's perspective) this emoji idea would definitely make me look at the %/bar more often πŸ™‹πŸ½
Andreas Pizsa

Nice idea, so I bought the app.

I just wish it would be a signed app - as it is now, it’s from an "Unidentified Developer", and I need to go through System Preferences to install it; makes me very uncomfortable to install untrusted code that has full access to everything I do on my machine.

I don't mind 5$, but access to my machine is too high a price for the value.


Nice little gimmick


Installs as untrusted code that has full access to your machine

Andrey Azimov
Good point. βœ… Done! I bought Apple Developer license and there no any errors any more!
Mubaris NK
I made a similar product earlier this month. Which is a chrome extension, check it out
@mubaris Saw this, it's awesome =) Now greets me every time I open Chrome haha And the nice gradients are a bonus
Celik Nimani
I like the idea, but I hate to see such a pressure on my macbook everyday! Time is flying fast damn it!
@celiknimani Absolutely. A tool like this causes mental stress which is proven to have many adverse effects on your health.
Juliana Halko
@josef_moser Do you know you can turn it off anytime right? :D
@juliyg12 if you turn it off regularly, why do you buy it in the first place πŸ€”
> 5$ for a 30 minute project typical producthunt hits

Same can be enabled using bitbar plugin that i use. Pasting gist @


Well gives a way to track remaining time on earth


Pay $5 to get a countdown clock when it can be done for free

Brian Ball
@vivek - helping people discover resources is helpful. Saying a free option is available doesn't help makers. At the $5 price point, for somebody's first OS app, it's a lot about encouraging them to continue.
Cody McLain
What's the ram usage like? Also are there any studies or at least publicized anecdotal reports of increased productivity from having life expectancy information constantly available which would justify the $5 cost + continuous ram usage?
Kyle Alwyn
@codymclain It's not displaying life expectancy, but rather the progress of the current day/month/year
Guillaume Dhios
I've tried to think of that gadget in a positive way... but i couln't find a way that is not depressing. :s
Fyodor Ivanischev

It's a minimal useful app which can give you the motivation you need by showing the cold-blooded fact: how much time has already passed. It might feel stressful at first, but it actually depends on the way you look at it. I got used to it and now it doesn't stress me at all =]


minimal, only facts, looks cool


expensive, no automatic updates (yet)


Tiny little app that looks great in my OSX menu bar!


Clean, tiny and useful πŸ‘


Gives me existential crises πŸ˜€

Joshua Pinter
Wait, no "Life 28%" progress bar?!
Stepa Mitaki
Great job Andrey! Always had the same itch as you did wanting to see the progress all the time in front of me. Thanks a lot for this app! Π£Ρ€Π°!
Steven Zhang
Is there an equivalent for the touchbar?
Syed Sajid Shah
Great for entrepreneurs!! πŸ™ŒπŸ»
Syed Sajid Shah
Great for entrepreneurs!! πŸ™ŒπŸ»
Logan Honeycutt
I like it. Purchased.
Lucy Jeong
It's really great idea! This app is super simple. Thansk :)
Raman Ksaitor

Well worth $5. So I paid it!

Newer version with the progress bar is nice, but older version with "Day: 65% Month: 73% Year: 31%" is way more pragmatic and useful for me.


Love the simplicity and that it's in the status bar!


Newer version does not show Day+Month+Year % at the same time. Older does. I like the very first version.

Chris Dancy

All technology is a time machine. Get your life back by treating it so.


Life is short


Life is short

Dinuka Jay

Going to review this on the next youtube episode of Maker's Journal. Stay tuned πŸ‘Œ


A nice swift kick in the B every now and then. Love the concept

