Kenny Grant

Promo Self Serve - Launch a promotion across the internet in 90 Seconds

Promo Self Serve is marketing platform for small businesses.

From your mobile phone, launch a promotion to your website, email subscribers, and social media accounts.

We're the homebase for launching and managing an online promotion across the internet.

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Kenny Grant
Hi Everyone, Super happy to announce Promo Self Serve! Did you know that over 50% of small businesses still don't have a website. Even with beautiful platforms like shopify, square, and wix, it's still too difficult. Many business owners don't have time to create a website, manage email-marketing campaigns, and social media posting. It also starts to get pretty expensive paying for all of those different platforms. That's why we built Promo. A simple way for business owners to promote products and service online. Pick up your phone and blast a promotion across the internet. See stats and fulfill orders right from your mobile phone. If you have a physical location, we can include those details on your website and within your promotions. Here 's a few example promotion pages: http://store.cheeseburgeripsum.c... Find out more details by visiting our site - or posting your comments below! Thanks for checking it out!
Krishna De
@allbombs Looks like a great too for small businesses - what do you see the reason they would use this rather than their Facebook Page which is what I see many do? Also I could not see any pricing detailed?
Kenny Grant
@krishnade Thanks for checking us out! Facebook is a social network. A small business should have social presence everywhere (including fb). We think it's important for a smb to have a dedicated website. Pointing your business cards or everyone to facebook (or any specific social network) is risky. Competitors can display facebook ads on your page, and users are one click away from leaving your business page to one of the many distracting links offered on FB. With Promo, we give you a website, and a way to promote products and services (including accepting payments). Giving a business owner the ability to create a promotion and push it everywhere within a few minutes. You can post promotions on facebook, but it's only available on FB. From the Promo app, you can push your promotions to multiple social networks, your email list, and paid distribution channels (coming soon -- such as ads, marketplaces, affiliate networks). Promo = website builder, social media posting, email newsletter platform, promotion engine, and distribution network. Re - Pricing We're offering a free trial for 3 months. Let me know if you have more comments or feedback! =)
Gillian Vrooman
Looks interesting. How could it help with customer engagement?
Kenny Grant
@gndv Promotions are a great way for businesses to re-engage with existing customers, or generate new business leads. Today we have 3 promotion types: For Sale, For Rent, and Announcements. Businesses can choose the best promotion for them, and how often they want to re-engage with customers. Many businesses with a physical location are looking for ways to quickly create content to their website, social media, and email newsletters. How would you define customer engagement? If you have a specific business type and vertical, I could maybe give a good use case and example of how to best use Promo Self Serve.
Dennis Moons
Look interesting! Is this meant as a platform to send out promotions? Or as the digital front for a physical business?
Kenny Grant
@dennismoons Great question. sorry for any confusion. Both types of businesses can use Promo Self Serve. If you have a physical location (storefront) or an online business, you can use Promo to manage your promotions. During the signup process, we'll ask you if you have a physical location, and if so, your address. If not, then no address will appear on your website or promotion details. Thanks for the question!
Cam Cavers
Great idea... any plans to support (or do already support) custom domain names? I think for a lot of companies this could replace a traditional website if you could use it with a custom domain.
Kenny Grant
@camcavers Hi cam, we support custom domains! you can see an example with these links: and You can also use Promo and integrate with your existing wordpress website. Let me know if you have any more questions or feedback
Simon Sturmer
Those cheeseburger ipsum laptop stickers I grabbed from you are a huge hit! Need more. (Congrats on launch BTW!)
Kenny Grant
@sstur thanks for stopping by. Will send some more cheeseburgers and drop them off at the office next month?
David Battersby
Excited to try this out!
Kenny Grant
@davidbattersby please let us know your feedback or questions =)
Anja Gruter
Here is a lot things in one.
Kenny Grant
@anjagruter thanks for checking us out. Is there a certain feature that's most important to you, or did you find it was too overwhelming?
Brendan Mulholland
What types of businesses does this resonate best with?
Kenny Grant
@brendanmulholland Good point. I should put some better examples in the original post. Will work on that. We fill the gap between a small business having no website and having the resources (money / time) to build out a full website with part time or full time marketer. Promo Self Serve is best for smb's that don't have a website or resources (time/money) to manage shopify, mailchimp, and hootsuite. We're combining the basics of all 3 platforms into an easy "on the go" solution for a small business owners. If you want to sell 100 items and setup sophisticated email marketing campaigns, you should definitely use Shopify and Mailchimp. Promo is not a good fit. For many businesses they need a light weight solution to post a few promotions per month to drive online sales and in-store visits. They are extremely busy running a business. Promo should help them get the online marketing basics in place. Especially for those that only have a few products.. Shopify and mailchimp is overkill. Expensive. Daunting. Examples of a potential Promo customers Businesses with a physical location - cafe, restaurants, rental shops, clothing store, flower shops, etc Makers - artists, jewelry, handmade wallets, musicians, Other - Realtors, Auto, key Influencers,
John Kor
This looks really interesting! My wife owns a small home business (hair salon)... Could you explain a use case for Promo Self Serve with running a home business hair salon?
Charlie Kelsch
Will definitely check this out!
Kenny Grant
@charlie_kelsch Thanks for checking this out
Roy Bao
Looks to be a very useful tool, broadcasting a promotion to different social media is usually a pain if doing manually, this app make it so much easier, love it!
Kenny Grant
@roybao Thank you Roy
Danny Halarewich
This looks to solve nicely for small businesses that don't have the time/money/inclination to set up and manage a full website. App UI and front-end design look great too! Nice work 👍
Kenny Grant
@halarewich Thanks for checking it out Danny!