Joshua Kidd

Pros & Cons - Helps you make decisions by weighing outcomes


Ever have difficulty in making simple or difficult life decisions that may affect your life in drastic ways? Pros and Cons can help you figure out which choice is the best for you, it's not perfect but it helps!

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Great idea, would love to try it out, iOS user though :/
Joshua Kidd
@bcye Hey Bruce, sadly I can't afford to pay for an Apple Developer account right now, but when I can I should be able to just publish it right away since I'm using Flutter!
@g33kidd I got an account, if you want DM me on Twitter @bcye_tw and we could discuss me publishing this for you
Joshua Kidd
@bcye That would be so awesome, thank you! I'll be in touch!
Rahul Chhabra
Love the idea. Have always thought of this framework of weighing individual arguments and sub arguments in favour and against to take decisions. Can you scale this framework for decision-making in teams? A lot of meetings/video calls take place to take decisions. If members could share their arguments real time and managers could assign correct weight (because of more context), taking decisions can happen over the fly and make remote collaboration even easier. Presently it happens over Slack, Email, WhatsApp, Twist. None of them provide such a framework. This solution is powerful therefore because it removes the need of concurrency of members for decision making. Also a small tip - the color scheme is slightly amateurish. Good for MVP, but users invest more when design is sleek. Cheers. Would love to chat more and test further versions. :)
Joshua Kidd
@rahulchhabra07 Hey Rahul, thanks a lot for the feedback! Presently I am currently working on a multi-user decision making feature, but I love the idea of having a remote team decision making process on there. I'll definitely have to look into that. Hopefully I can figure out what I want to do with the colors soon. I'll have to message you soon! Thanks again!
Ihor Levenets πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
@g33kidd I'm of the same opinion as @rahulchhabra07 is :) We are a team of 4 co-founders and just today we had a long and hard argument about one of our decisions and we wanted to write pros and cons of it to reach a consensus, but we just didn't have pen&paper. If I had known about this kind of solution, it wouldn't have taken me a lot of time to summarize all our arguments and reach a decision faster. So yeah, decision-making in teams could be a really awesome feature.
Joshua Kidd
@rahulchhabra07 @ihor_levenets1 Wow! Honestly I've never thought about this use-case for teams before, but thanks for the insight on a real-world use for this type of thing. Really appreciate the feedback and suggestion!
Joshua Kidd
I've recently been working on a mobile app to help with decision making. Sometimes when you have a sizable dilemma in front of you, it's probably a good idea to weigh the pros & cons of that particular situation. So, I created PROS & CONS, an Android app that helps you create a list of positive and negative outcomes for anything at all. Eventually I will be making use of a Sentiment Analysis algorithm I'm developing, along with some other helpful tools to allow a user choose the most suitable outcome for them. Let me know what you think of the idea and implementation, thanks!
E.b. Rosner
No iOS? No thanks.
Joshua Kidd
@e_b_rosner Really wish I could! I even have an iOS build ready to go, but I unfortunately can't afford to pay for a developer account right now. Somebody has offered to let me publish on their account and I think I might just do that until I can get my own.
Andrew Tye
Great idea...always good for me to look at the pros and cons
Joshua Kidd
@awt Thank you. Absolutely, I love when I am able to see all my options visually, and making this has definitely helped me.
Bruno Aderaldo
@g33kidd Great idea. Could you talk to me about your Flutter experience? my email
Joshua Kidd
@brunoaderaldo Of course! Working on an email now!
Thank you, this looks great. Sometimes it's just so hard to keep all the reasons for and against fresh in your mind.
Joshua Kidd
@mooooorrisjjj Glad you like it! That's exactly why I built this app, it's so much easier once you have all those possible outcomes right in front of you. Can't wait to keep making updates!
MD Jahangir