I love any and all products that promote privacy. If the founders are around I'd love to know what inspired them to start ProtonMail and of they've managed to get Edward Snowden to open an account with them.
This is a great (and hugely important) project. Glad to see someone develop a full-featured, privacy-centered email client.
This was also the email client used on/by Mr. Robot/Elliot Alderson, which is a cute connection.
I'm a pretty old user, I have like 12 accounts and even pay for one of them. I never regretted. Love the decisions they make and their improvements. Keep it up!
It's great, it's beautiful and it works like a charm. I cannot think of a safer place than a former military bunker under the Swiss Alps. Keep those secrets safe dear mountains!
Very nice. I've been using it as a default for years and have a professional account. Overall happy with it. It could use better a better contacts interface though.
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