Yosi from ProveSource

ProveSource - Boost your website conversions for free

Social proof is one of the most powerful concepts in persuading people to take certain actions, such as buying your product or service. You can now add this to your website - too!

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Yosi from ProveSource
We here at ProveSource are thrilled to announce an update to our pricing policy. Rather than offering a 14-day free trial as we had until now, we have decided to offer a full version of our software for free. That’s right, free! You don’t even have to put down your credit card information. When you go to buy a shirt, you first try it on before you even consider going up to the counter to hand over your credit card. No store requires you to hand over your card before you try something on and we at ProveSource believe that software should be no different. In the free version, all of our features are included. The only difference is that your account is limited to 1,000 monthly unique visitors. This is perfect for small companies who are just beginning to generate traffic or large ones who are curious to see how social proof can boost their sales. We are incredibly pleased to announce this change, as we believe that by eliminating the 14-day cutoff, you will have a longer time to evaluate and fully realize the benefits of ProveSource. ProveSource is the only service to offer a plan like this. Sign up today and see what harnessing the power of social proof can do for you and your company!
Shreyaa Ratra
@yosid Would definitely recommend it to my founder friends. Couple of thoughts if you are doing B2B sales : a) Track e-commerce companies who have recently raised funding. b) Track e-commerce companies hiring for product manager.
John Murch
What's different about you vs https://www.usefomo.com/ or others?
Yosi from ProveSource
@johnmurch Thanks for the reply! Take a look here: https://provesrc.com/alternative... Should answer your question :-)
Inos Gun
Inos Gun
good=d produk
Anand Radhakrishnan
Definitely among the best social proof tools!