Open Source social media
Vertigo 101
Proximity — Open Source social media
Proximity is a simple social media that does not use your data against you to target you for ads, I made this for personal usage with my friends, then open sourced it 😁
Check it out, we already have 80+ active users 😊
Vertigo 101
I always wanted to implement my own social media as I never fully trusted other apps fully, so I made my own and then open-sourced it for the public, it is fully decentralized and not controlled by anyone, the data is heavily encrypted on my server 😃 Also if you're interested in learning more about this or contributing to the project, feel free to reach out to me P.S. UI is Heavily inspired by Instagram as I'm not a designer ðŸĪŠ, The code is not perfect but I'm still improving it 😄