Nathan Barry

Designing Web Apps - Learn to design experiences your users will love (2nd ed.)

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Nathan Barry
Hey everyone, I just wrote the second edition of Designing Web Applications. If you build web apps, this book will teach you how to delight your users. Topics covered include: - Designing great on-boarding processes - How to use wireframing to design a better user experience - How to properly design destructive actions (delete, etc) - Designing usable forms - And a lot more. I wrote the book for: - Developers who know that design is important, but don't know where to start. - Designers who know their way around a design tool, but don't know what makes a good user experience. - Project managers who want to be able to make valuable contributions to their product, but don't aren't trained as designers or developers. - And anyone else who works at a software company and wants to know how to better delight their users. There's also an exclusive discount (20% off) today. I'd love to know what you think.
Dharmesh Shah
@nathanbarry Love the landing site. Well executed (but there are a few things I would tweak). Buying the book tonight.
Ryan Delk
This looks awesome, Nathan!
Nicky Hajal
Congrats, looks great!
Bryan Harris
Even if you aren't a designer, take 5 minutes and go study his sales page. Good work Nathan!
Tommy Kuntze
This is awesome Nathan - great work sharing your expertise and empowering folks! Any reason you're encouraging the use of Photoshop instead of something more light-weight, like Sketch?
Nathan Barry
@tmyknze It's so much more powerful. Sketch is great for simple stuff, but Photoshop is still used by the vast majority of the industry.
Troy Carlson
This contains exactly the kinds of resources I've been looking for lately...bought.