Gotcha, thanks. It'd be nice to see that on the site. There are so many of these types of courses these days that I need quite a bit of validation before I'm comfortable handing over my email. (Not saying everyone is like this.)
Also, as a potential customer, would have been nice if you'd posted this when you actually launched! Now the PH community will miss having a discussion on actual launch day :P
Of course!
Over the last two years I've done a lot of product launches, learning what works (and especially what doesn't!).
This will be a high-end video course, walking you through how to execute a successful launch. Most of my experience is in launching books and training courses, but I also cover applying the tactics to iOS apps and SaaS apps.
In the interviews we cover using webinars, launching to the bestseller lists, and recurring launches in a 7-figure business.
It will be expensive ($500+), but if you are launching anything of consequence you will earn that money back very quickly!
Where can I find an iPhone 7?