Mohd Danish

Public APIs 3.0 - A collection of public APIs for your next project

A collective list of more than 1000 Free Public and Open REST APIs for developers like movie APIs, Anime APIs, weather APIs, music APIs, games and comics APIs, currency APIs, sports APIs, science APIs, open data APIs, etc.

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Mohd Danish
Hello PH πŸ‘‹, Finally, launching Public APIs 3.0 with more contents: - 1k+ public APIs - A crash course on API development with Nodejs - Verified collection courses from top authors - API tools - API collections - Articles on API developments I updated this website every week with new APIs. So, you can get new ideas for your MVPs & products. Let me know what you think about this.
Fajar Siddiq
@mddanishyusuf More added, love the curated courses, tools and collection. Congrats on the launch! 3.0 is what we need, you are the man!
Mohd Danish
@fajarsiddiq Yes, Lot's of new APIs. Thanks Fajar :)
VladimΓ­r Seman
@mddanishyusuf thats great, i really like that it is a package including courses and API tools. and filtering is equally cool πŸ™Œ
Mohd Danish
@3runjo Hey, pexels seems great API to explore. You can submit the data here & let me know if you need any help. Thanks
Musharof Chowdhury
Looks neat, congrats on the launch
Mohd Danish
@musharofchy Thanks Musharaf.
Shalva Avanashvili
I have one hobby project and I needed several public APIs, I searched quite a lot. I wish I knew that your product existed :) Good luck!
Mohd Danish
@shalva_avanashvili Awesome. Now you can do.
Geert Jan Sloos
Upvoted and submitted our PayRequest API!
Ankit Ghosh
Looks nice. Also thanks for updating it. πŸ™
Mohd Danish
@nutpanda Yes this new look is on new domain with lot more contents
Stefan W
Great, even better then it already was @mddanishyusuf
Ardian Bahtiarsyah
Super excited to see Public API breathing. Also other additions make this even better than before. Congrats bro @mddanishyusuf !!
Anthony Charles
I like the layout & sleek design. Well done!
Ravi Bajnath
Fantastic collection and easy to navigate.
Toby Urff
Nicely done, helpful overview!
Kristin Ides
Love it, I think it's time for me to expand my skills a bit and try to build a bot!
Nancy White
Looks very nice. Well done!
Hardik Raval
Awesome collection of APIs. What I liked about your interface is, it's too faster than RapidAPI. Great job. Good luck!
Rishabh garg
The new version looks very good. Congrats on launch, Danish.
Daryll Wong
Great product, just wondering how did you manage to populate this initial list of resources, and how do you intend to extend this?
Steve Caste
Looks very useful
Thanks for updating. Let me see if I can find the API that helps me to convert HTML to image :)
Jan Mazurek
Great idea to have them all at one endpoint
Amy Campbell
Holly Hernandez
Impressive product.