All of your investing. All in one place.
Seth Louey — Buy any stock with any amount of money. Commission-free.

Public makes the stock market social. Follow other investors, discover companies to believe in, invest with any amount of money — commission-free. Invest dollar amounts in your favorite companies no matter the share price. [Disclosures]
Eva Reder
Beautiful product! I see you offer unlimited commission-free trading. Sounds great. What is your business model and how does it align with users? Very interested to learn more about the business model itself
Jannick Malling
@e_reder Thanks Eva! Good question. Since we built a highly automated brokerage operation, we don't need to charge commission to run a sustainable business -- we can rely on other sources of revenue like share lending and order flow payments. Pretty much all U.S. brokerages receive income from these activities, but most have to charge commission on top of that in order to cover the high costs of running a business with a lot of manual processes. Obviously, keeping commissions at $0 has been key to our business model from the outset, since investing $10 in you favorite company doesn't make sense if you're paying $10 in commission fees. 😊 As we roll out more features in the future, we may introduce a premium version for a small subscription fee. However, we raised money from some great investors earlier this year (including Accel and Greycroft, early VCs in co's like Venmo and Facebook) so that we don't have to focus on those features just yet.
Gabriel Appleton
@e_reder @malling really cool model , would love to see a post about it analyzing metrics, etc
Jack Smith
i was thinking the other day that i’m surprised that Robinhood hasn’t enabled fractional share buying yet, given Motif and others already do it.
Main difference / added value comparing with Robin Hood app? It looks like you share at least one (bad) thing: not available in Spain 😢
Jannick Malling
@bernardamus On Robinhood you have to buy a full share, which means you can't fully control how much to invest in a company, and also means you have to spend $6,000 just to own the 15 biggest companies on the S&P500. I also addressed a couple of other differentiating factors in the above in response to @ashwin_mahajan and @rrhoover :) In terms of Spain/Europe: I get it. As a European myself now living in the U.S., I'd love love love to expand our service to Europe, but its tricky from a regulatory perspective and takes a lot of time. Never say never though ;)
Miguel Alejandro Morales
This is great! Any ideas on when this is going to be available outside the US? I'm interested but it seems unavailable in Spain.
Alfonso C. Betancort
What’s T3 current net worth? Will you deposit the products (shares, etc…) bought by your prospective customers only on T3?
Rufat Mammadli
Good product. Which countries do you support? I’m myself living in Azerbaijan. I would love to use this product If it is supported here.
Jannick Malling
@rufatmammadli Unfortunately we can only onboard U.S. customers right now, sorry! Hopefully we're able to support more countries in the future 🤞
Charles Postiaux
Oh man, it's so frustrating as a French (EU?) citizen to see those beautiful investment opportunities unavailable... I wanted to use RobinHood earlier this year, and now you guys seem to have an amazing app! I guess it is due to the laws specific to each area of the world (maybe I'm wrong?), but do you have any plan launching your app in any other countries/regions?
Stephen Campbell
Nobody's talking about the 2.5% interest on unapplied cash?! WHAT?! That + any dollar amount investment make this a RobinHood killer for the novice investor. *SLOW CLAPS*
Jannick Malling
Thanks for hunting @sethlouey! Super excited to get this finally out into the world. We’ve been working on it for quite some time and are launching our new “Slices” feature together with our new brand today. Public is a new kind of stock brokerage that makes it possible to buy any stock with any amount of money. And it's commission-free. The stock market is one of the biggest drivers of prosperity in history. But the truth is, what’s supposed to be the public markets are the markets for the few. Wealth creation has been locked up behind private banks, expensive financial products and $1,000 stocks. Public lets you buy any stock for any amount of money. No matter the stock price. Amazon might have reached $2,000 a share when you read this, but on Public you can invest as little as $5 into Amazon. We enable everyone to be an owner of their favorite companies, no matter the size of their checkbook. Additionally the app lets investors connect with each other via a public feed to share ideas and insights. We’ll be here to answer any questions and looking forward to seeing you all on Public soon as well!
Juan Felipe Campos
Congrats on the launch! Seems like as much of a tech challenge as it is a regulatory compliance challenge. Very impressed by what you're working on and would love to hear more about how you've navigated FINRA, SEC etc.
Matt Kennedy
@juannikin thanks so much! Public is a registered broker dealer, member of Finra and SEC. Needless to say, our team on brokerage side has many years of financial and regulatory experience in their pocket which has allowed our product team to focus on what they do best and build a great product 😊
So exciting! So glad this technology exists in the world for those of us who just want to dabble in the stock market without trying to wade through the muddy UIs of incumbent players!
Jannick Malling
@cbm Thanks CBM!
Matthew Morley
this look awesome! Just tried to sign up, entered my cell number to request a code and no code arrived. Tried several times and couldn't find a way to contact you. What should I do?
Jannick Malling
@matthew_morley Strange, did you sign up from the US? We currently only accept US customers.
Jannick Malling
@matthew_morley Yes, pls email Standing by. Thanks!
Duarte Martins
Great initiative! Would need this to work in the EU and have the ability to buy ETFs for me to use it, however.
Jannick Malling
@duarteosrm We do support almost a thousand ETFs, including from Vanguard, but can't accept non-US customers at the moment.
Ashwin Mahajan
Looks promising... 1) How long does it take to transfer money from a link bank account? 2) Do you provide some kind of credit to use before the transfer is complete? 3) Is there an auto feature of dividend reinvestment? 4) Other than feature of fraction/slice share what other features do you have compared to Robinhood? 5) Any account referral programs? Note : I am fan of Robinhood and just trying to figure out differences.
Ryan Hoover
@ashwin_mahajan great questions. I'm also curious about #4.
Jannick Malling
@ashwin_mahajan Hey Ashwin, great questions! I'll dive right in: 1. & 2. Transfers up to $4,000 are made instantly available (as a credit). Any amount above that, 3-5 business days. 3. Not yet, but stay tuned on this! One of the things the ability to buy any amount of a stock enables is seamless dividend re-investing, which is a great way to invest, and something we're super excited about that! 4. We set out to build a truly customer-centric investing experience. This means that there's a number of things we're doing very differently from other stock brokerages: (a) Instead of having customers' investments being dictated by something as relatively meaningless as the price per share of a company, we let customers invest any amount they want into any company. (The price per share does not exist for the benefit of the customer, but for the benefit of the publicly traded company. For most customers, it's actually just a confusing piece of friction.) (b) Instead of exploring the stock market by way of traditional "sectors" – typically lists of stocks divided by industries like "IT" or "Automotive" -- we've organized the stock market into what we call "Themes." These are smaller lists of companies that make it easier to invest in where you believe the world is going, like companies investing in self-driving cars technology; female-led companies; clean & green; as well as companies in new-age industries like catering to vegetarians; cannabis or gaming and e-sports. (c) Investing can be scary, especially if you're on your own. So instead of making another solo-player experience, we've designed a social layer on top of the entire community which allows people to see each other's investments; share your trades with others; and discuss beliefs & ideas. 5. Yes we offer a generous $20/$20 account referral that is about to be replaced by a new program in the next month or so :)
Jannick Malling
@ashwin_mahajan @rrhoover also, to point no. 4 I could add: (d) Super-fast, in-app chat support. This may seem trivial, but it's something we've gotten a lot of love for. In a highly regulated environment, it's not as easy to make it work on the backend, even if you're "just" using Intercom :)
Ashwin Mahajan
@malling : 👍Thanks for clarifying my doubts one more your way 6) Is it any different w.r.t to selling a fraction share in terms of fees/restriction etc.?
Jannick Malling
@ashwin_mahajan Nope, no fees or restrictions on fractional. No delay or end of day settlement either - everything is instant & real-time :)
Matt Kennedy
Matt here from Public. Happy to answer any questions as well. Super excited to finally share this with the world :)
@mckennedy registered : 1) The sign up process doesn't support external password managers like 1Password. IMHO a must for a financial product. Typing in a 12-digit complex password is a chose and there's no confirmation that I got it right 2) Share links seem to still point to matador app which I assume is the previous branding of your app, but it doesn't add confidence that a share link is not up to date with the new breanding
Matt Kennedy
@altryne Thanks Alex! You're totally right. 1) We are just working on exactly that, update coming soon. As well as 2-factor authentication. 2) Same here, will be changed very soon Happy to keep you posted on both :)
Max Grigoryev
Congrats on the launch! How are you guys affiliated with T3? Are you owned by them or just utilize their infrastructure? Looks like it's an in-house product of T3, if so, are you currently working on 2 products simultaneously: Matador and Public? I'm sure you have more, but those are very similar.
Nate Heath
Curious how this compares with the Stash App? I have been using that over the last year to purchase partial shares. Always looking for the latest and greatest ways to invest!
Matt Kennedy
@nate_heath Good question. We're the first platform that offers fractional stocks in real-time. Most other platforms queue up the orders and execute them periodically, which we didn't want to do as it means you can't see the price you're getting :)
Partha Dash
Hi, I currently live in Germany and wanted to check the product. Looks clean and great. Can you please share the testflight link to try out?
Arun Agrahri
Congrats on the launch. Fractional share is just a missing feature in Robinhood and already exists in Stash, Revolut, Stockpile, among others. People who have investable assets don't buy stocks because they are $300+ a share but because of the fear of losing money. I don't see how this is differentiated enough to welcome new investors. $20 referral will definitely get you a lot of non-active $20-$50 brokerage accounts, which doesn't move the needle for your business or investors. Good luck!
Eric Y Chen
Very neat product, I imagine it’s taken a lot to navigate through the sec and other entities to get this model up and running. Like how there are no fees. This would have been awesome if I had this back in college to start investing what I could.