Chris Prescott

Platform Scale - A manual for platform-based business models (pre-order)

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Anuj Adhiya
If you aren't reading @sanguit's blog, and if your startup has a 2-sided model - you are missing out big time. This book is going to be great.
Eric Willis
@sanguit Agreed Anuj. I've been a long-time reader. His blog is excellent! @anujadhiya
Sangeet Paul C
Guys, Thanks for all the support! I've been working on this topic for several years and I believe understanding platform dynamics and multi-sided system dynamics is key to achieving sustainable growth with any internet business that involves contributions of any form from users. A lot of effort has gone into putting this book together but it's been helped in large measure by the blog readers on Platform Thinking. Do check out the book outline at the link above. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what other topics should make their way into the book.
Tomas Ruta
@sanguit Hi, I am a long-time reader of your blog. I've noticed you recently removed comments, presumably because spam was becoming an issue. I am a founder of You can use us to create a private discussion group for your readers, for free. Give it a go. Any questions, shout!
Sangeet Paul C
@tomasruta Definitely intrigued. Will try it out.