Michael Sacca

Validate your business idea in 30 days - How to go from Zero to $1,000/mo and beyond

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Michael Sacca
Hey Hunters, We’re incredibly excited to share this course with you. Ryan Robinson and the Crew team have been hard at work for the past couple months researching and interviewing amazing people like @nireyal, @pjrvs, @imcatnoone and @patflynn to find out what they do to rapidly validate their business ideas. We’ve compiled everything into this easy to follow and actionable course that will help you: - Uncover your business niche - Find your audience - Get paying customers in 30 days And who doesn't want that right? Ryan walks you through each step of the way with assignments that will help push your idea forward at the end of each lesson. I hope you enjoy the course as much as we've enjoyed making it!
Paul Jarvis
@michaelsacca woo! happy to be part of this.
Nir Eyal
@michaelsacca @pjrvs @imcatnoone Congrats on the launch!
Cat Noone
@michaelsacca @nireyal @pjrvs Congrats on launching! Happy to have been a part of this alongside you awesome folks :)
Indresh Raja
@pjrvs @michaelsacca congratulations