Python Test Podcast -  Testing Web Apps with Python, Selenium, Django
Interview with Harry Percival.
Brian Okken

Python Test Podcast - Betamax with Ian Cordasco — Testing apps that use requests without using mock


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Jake Crump
Any one with experience in Python give this a listen yet? Some of the topics discussed: "Betamax – python library for replaying requests interactions for use in testing. requests Pycon 2015 talk: Ian Cordasco – Cutting Off the Internet: Testing Applications that Use Requests – PyCon 2015 Pytest and using Betamax with pytest fixtures The utility (or uselessness) of teaching programming with Java (My own rant mainly) Rackspace and Ian’s role at Rackspace and OpenStack Python Code Quality Authority: flake8, pep8, mccabe, pylint, astroid, … Static code analysis and what to use which tool when. Raymond Hettinger – Beyond PEP 8 — Best practices for beautiful intelligible code – PyCon 2015"