Gustaf Alströmer

QOA - Unbelievably delicious cocoa-free chocolate


QOA is doing for chocolate, what Oatly did for milk by developing the world's first 100% cocoa-free chocolate. Their chocolate tastes & feels like conventional chocolate but at 10x sustainability. By 2035, QOA will replace chocolate in mass-market products.

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Maximilian Marquart
We will exclusively give away 5 signed SUPERMASSIVE TESTKITS including QOA merch amongst the commenters here on this page. So comment NOW!!!
Maximilian Marquart
@mandaj098 It also tastes amazing. ;-)
Jeremy Wilt
@maximilian_marquart Ex Hershey's here and LOVE what you're doing! This is NOW, not the future.
Mike Ritchie
@maximilian_marquart What's it made of? It's sort of a bad look to not have ingredients listed anywhere on your site.
Maximilian Marquart
@mike_seekwell It is all natural ingredients, e.g. kernels and cereals. There was just not enough space here to name them but we follow a strict clean label policy.
Maximilian Marquart
@mike_seekwell It is also gluten-free.
Ana Caro
As early employee, I already had the chance to try QOA and to my taste, the last prototype is just amazingly delicious! Can't wait to scale this product! And just learning about the incredible amount of water needed for 1kg of cocoa (circa 27.000l, what makes it THE most water consuming plant we eat) convinced me to join Sara and Max on the mission to replace cocoa in mass products!
Conor Naughton
@ana_caro Pretty amazing. I have spent a lot of time with Cacao producers in Guatemala and experimented with coffee cascara as a substitute for making chocolate with delicious results. I hope this is groundbreaking! There are so many environmental and genetic issues and obstacles with cacao (not to mention so much bad chocolate). I am really excited to taste this!
Maximilian Marquart
@ana_caro @conor_naughton Uhh We should talk offline maybe... Sounds very intersting!
Clementine Chambon
This chocolate looks unbelievably delicious! In fact looks a lot like the artisanal chocolate that I am addicted to from Belgium. Can only hope I am one of the lucky ones chosen to try out a SUPERMASSIVE TESTKIT pick meee!
@c_chambon Thanks for your love! Good luck!
Sara Marquart
@c_chambon Hard to better than chocolate from Belgium though, and that means a lot, coming from Switzerland! 🇨🇭
Michael Kaserer
Really looking forward to test this out 👍
Sara Marquart
@mixkas have you signed up already on our page, to get a free kit shipped to your door? :-)
@mixkas Awesome! Good luck!
@mixkas Hi Michael, great news – you're one of the winners of our draw! Only thing: Could you try to get us your address by the end of this Monday, i.e. tomorrow? Because we'll be sending out packages mid-week the latest! Just briefly get in touch via info [at] and we'll go from there! :)
Sara Marquart
At the moment you can only pre-register for our #MVP, the SUPERMASSIVE TESTKIT. BUT, 5 lucky ones who comment on here today will receive a SUPERMASSIVE TEST KIT with delicious, cocoa-free chocolate already now (we'll DM you asap).
Maximilian Marquart
Happy greetings from the chocolate siblings, my sister @sara_marquart and me :)
Sara Marquart
The Supermassive Test Kit, that can be ordered for free on our page, contains 9 highly exclusive and limited pralines, made with our white, milk-type and dark QOA. And if you wonder, how we do it: we are using the same technology as in beer brewing: fermentation! In our case, we are using precision fermentation to turn natural ingredients in our QOA.
Maximilian Marquart
@dario_cristian_gonzalez_boeck Aufgehts! :) Wir bringen gerne eines vorbei wenn du dich einträgst :)
Amanda Jerman
This product seems like a fantastic idea. Looking forward to trying it!
Sara Marquart
@mandaj098 Sign up for a free test kit on our page and/or be one of the lucky commenters, that will get a kit in advance already :-)
tried it, loved it - the world needs this! This is a delicious way to make the world a better and more sustainable place!
Sara Marquart
@jesla there you are! by commenting, you will get the chance for another free test kit hehe ;-)
@sara_marquart well, there are only 3 Q_ua's left in my testkit but please, share this pleasure with even more people and don't count me in for the tombola :)
Sara Marquart
@jesla or you drop by at our QOA fountain and get yourself a handful of it :-)
Jule Bunze
Damn, looks like my new favorite food (besides pizza of course 😬). Well done!
Sara Marquart
@frolleinyoule Nothing can beat pizza, not even pizza. 🍕
@frolleinyoule Hi Jule, great news – you're one of the winners of our draw! Only thing: Could you please try to get us your address by the end of this Monday, i.e. tomorrow? Because we'll be sending out packages mid-week the latest! Just briefly get in touch via and we'll go from there! :)
Lukas Nielen
Can’t wait to try it! Looks super delicious :)
@lukas_ni Hi Lukas, great news – you're one of the winners of our draw! Only thing: Could you try to get us your address by the end of this Monday, i.e. tomorrow? Because we'll be sending out packages mid-week the latest! Just briefly get in touch via info [at] and we'll go from there! :)
Christoph Findelsberger
Looks amazing from a first glance. Looking forward to the test kit! ;)
@christoph_fi Thank you! Good luck for the draw!
@christoph_fi Hi Christoph, great news – you're one of the winners of our draw! Only thing: Could you try to get us your address by the end of this Monday, i.e. tomorrow? Because we'll be sending out packages mid-week the latest! Just briefly get in touch via info [at] and we'll go from there! :)
Georg Bauer
Good luck with this amazing idea!
Sara Marquart
@georg_bauer Thank you Georg!!
Danny Blast
That's a big claim, non-chocolate that stands up to real chocolate...can't wait to try it out!
Maximilian Marquart
@dfoster Just try it and you will see :)
Chris Cardé
I had the opportunity to try QOA just a few days ago - really an amazing product! I hope -- for the sake of the environment and chocolate lovers everywhere -- that they take this product to the 🌙 and back!
Maximilian Marquart
@chriscarde Thanks Chris!!
Jonathan Fann
@maximilian_marquart, curious if @qoa is more of a "milk chocolate" or "dark chocolate" (or both). Is there dairy in it?
Maximilian Marquart
@qoa @jonathanfann It is both! There is white chocolate, milk chocolate and dark chocolate in it.
Andrew Gelman
So cool. Just signed up for a kit to try it out. Good luck! Will you be doing non-dairy and non-sugar versions?
Maximilian Marquart
@andrew_gelman1 There will for sure be non-dairy. Non-Sugar soon. Our scientists @sara_marquart are already working heavily on it.
Kenn K
I’m excited about the health possibilities. We’ve already moved to plant based products like Silk milk and Impossible Burgers and sausage patties. Does it contain less sugar or other undesirable ingredients? If QOA tastes as good as real chocolate, this will be everywhere! Good luck to you!
Maximilian Marquart
@kenn_k Thanks for your kind words! At the moment it contains a similar amount of sugar than conventional chocolate but we are working heavily on functionalizing it. Try it out and let us know :)
Dawn Veltri
I had no idea cocoa was so detrimental to communities and the environment. It looks delicious!
Sara Marquart
@dawn_veltri1 We are more than excited to see if people also think it tastes delicious, after trying it out :-)