
Quick Design - Curated list of free online design courses


Quick Design is a curated list of free online design courses to learn graphic design, web design, UI/UX, game design, app design, logo design & more. You can find free tutorials & courses on design tools like photoshop, illustrator, sketch, figma, blender etc.

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Hello! Product Hunt community ๐Ÿ–๏ธ Last year, we have launched Quick Code - a curated list of free programming course. Throughout the last year, our main focused to help new programmers to get into the coding world. At Quick Code, we launched several free and top courses for programmers at different levels. Today, we are extending it to designers and happy to share 'Quick Design' with the world. ๐ŸŽจ Quick Design serves as the single source of the curated list to find free learning resources for design. We have tried to evaluate different fields of design and find the best free learning resources for all. Often objectives, challenges and tools needed for User Experience, Web Design, Gaming or design for traditional industries like cars etc. are very different. A single source for a diverse range of design learning material would also help beginners and advance designers to explore other areas where their skills can be applied. This is dedicated to the designer community and anyone who wants to start into the design. ๐Ÿ’œ Share your feedback, while we continue to build it. So we welcome you all to have a look at Quick Design resources and share any comments and feedback! ๐Ÿ‘‚
Fajar Siddiq
Well Done! For this awesome project! This is very useful as it helps people to learn. I will like to congratulate you and your team!
@fajarsiddiq Thank you for all your support and kind words!
Singh Pankaj
Hello! Product Hunt community ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ The QuickCode team is here again with a new product for the designer community. In the age of data science, artificial intelligence and a host of new technologies, the conversation around design usually takes a backset. Itโ€™s like the second most important thing for every new idea, but never the first! At least that has been the case for a long time until last few years. โณ Steve Jobs perhaps was the one to truly push everyone to think about design as a main arm of product development. He showed the world the world itโ€™s potential to impact the revenue than just the design aesthetics. Thankfully since the last decade or so the design community have been growing quietly under the backdrop of the other hotter and sexier technologies! Not to take anything from the Clouds, AIs and IOTs, but honestly thatโ€™s been the case! And we wanted to change that a bit. At least from the resources point of view!๐Ÿ“‘ We ourselves are a bit guilty of it, focusing just on programming technologies for a long time. But not for long, we checked ourselves and decided to do our bit to better serve the design community. So here we are with our latest offering Quick Design. Itโ€™ll be great if you check it out and share your feedback on this. Weโ€™ll be keen to hear your reviews and improvise as we move forward on this! ๐Ÿšข