Bytes by Quicko - Your weekly dose of investments, taxes, finance & more

Bytes will bring a package of stories from different parts 🌎, different times ⏳, and different people πŸ˜€ of the World. Look out for interesting, bizarre, odd, and goofy stories!
P.S.- Do checkout the all new Bytes website at - πŸ˜‰

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Team Quicko
Hey everyone! Remember how most of us collected stamps from the letters? And boy do we miss that! While we no longer get the snail mails βœ‰οΈ, we found something with a similar level of hoot - email newsletters. We started chatting about giving a new identity to our Newsletter πŸ“° - Bytes! and before we knew it we were on track to revamp Bytes under Quicko's umbrella. We - @Yatrik_Raithatha 🎨 (designer), @Anshumii ✏️ (writer), @Nireka πŸ’‘ (thinker), and @Yash_lehog πŸ“£ (communicator) - put our heads together and our CEO @Vishvajit_Sonagara1 mentored us throughout this makeover. We write about taxes. But they say taxes are boring!? Not quite. Lookout for us as we talk about Mickey Mouse, The Inca Empire, Dentures, Rock Bands, and what not...but still bring it back home to taxes, finances and more! 🎯 This is OUR turf. Subscribe to Bytes,, so we can send the best of our content your way. πŸš€ See you this Thursday in your inbox! 😊
Sia Mohajer
Love the design guys!
Anshumi Shah
Hi all! Bytes changed a big part of my life! It would mean a lot to all of us at Quicko if you could subscribe and let us change a small part of yours ❀
Jay Tanna
You guys make reading about taxes fun with sections like Crazy Tax Story & Byte of the Day. Super liked the design.
Kenneth Sequeira
So a Finshots for taxes :D ?
Team Quicko
@kenneth_sequeira We're all trying to produce great content under the Rainmatter UmbrellaπŸ˜‰
Julio Cesar