Automated, accurate, and aligned compensation management.
Graham Collins
Compensation Hub — Discover, compare, customize, and share compensation plans
Over the past two years, we reviewed 1,000 comp plans during 400+ strategic consults to create a library of the 15 most trusted and effective compensation plans. Compensation Hub provides sample comp plan structures based on nine input variables.
Graham Collins
I’ve struggled first hand to build compensation plans and even more to find resources to help. We built Compensation Hub around a real need that we’ve experienced for years. The first 15 plans mark the beginning. There are so many different types of compensation plans (and not just for sales teams!) and business models. We will continue to grow and evolve this resource as variable pay packages extend to other functions of a business. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments!
Ryan Milligan
The most commonly asked question in every RevOps community I'm in is "what's the right comp plan for my team?". With Compensation Hub, QuotaPath has given everyone a place to go to answer that question. So excited to play around with CompHub (especially going into comp planning season)!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
This is really cool! Will bookmark it! 👏🏽
Graham Collins
@ankit_sparks Thanks Ankit! Let me know if you have any questions!
Eraldo Forgoli
@graham_collins congrats on the launch 🚀
Vuk Petrovic
Aaaaand JUST in time for #Comptober!! 👏 This is going to change everything.
Kevin Denny
Game changer for sales compensation!! So excited!!
Natalia Kulczycka
Really cool stuff! Just upvoted, good luck!