Mubashar Iqbal

Quuu - Hand-curated content suggestions for Social Media


Quuu is the number one source for content and the only place where each and every piece has been hand-reviewed in house.

Now with:

RSS Feeds (Even more ways to curate content and share)

EasyRead (Distraction free reading experience)

Fresh new dashboard!

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Daniel Kempe
Thanks so much for checking out the new Quuu. 2018 was a really hard year for Quuu as a whole. This time last year we had launched our very own social media scheduling tool alongside our content suggestions, but the Twitter API had other ideas… Read about why we fu*ked up in 2018 here -> So this is why we’ve gone back to what we do best, content. You can still find hand-curated content suggestions to share on social media from over 500 interest categories. Quuu integrates with your Buffer or HubSpot schedule and has around 9 new integrations planned in 2019! New features: RSS Feeds (Beta) (Even more ways to curate content and share) EasyRead (We provide a distraction free reading experience for all articles on Quuu) Listen to articles with our new audio reading feature New dashboard - Fresh new outlook needed a fresh new design for 2019! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on what we’ve been working on. Special shoutout to all the Quuu team who all work incredibly hard. We have grown really close as a team now and all have the same goal in mind for 2019!
Aaron O'Leary
@danielkempe Twitter API eh, it can break a startup. Good luck with the new launch! :D
Matthew Spurr
@danielkempe @aaronoleary Yes indeed, we've seen quite a few very cool and promising startups fall by the wayside in the past year as a result of restrictions and blocks. Thankfully that is a thing of the past for us now, we're just enjoying finding good content on the web, which we're definitely allowed to do haha!
Daniel Kempe
@aaronoleary Yep, bye bye Twitter API :-)
Nirnay Patel
@danielkempe Looks amazing! Man, I wish more startups would do "why we fu*ed up" posts. Truly gives a genuine human touch to your product, especially when you are in the 'automation' space! Besides Quuu blog do you guys create any content for your users?
Daniel Kempe
@nirnay_patel Mostly on the Quuu blog and sometimes via Medium. Thanks so much Nirnay :-)
Nikhil Premanandan
Awesome. Have been a fan of Quuu ever since I heard about you in 2016. You guys are way better than Feedly. Keep rocking! @danielkempe
Matthew Spurr
@danielkempe @nykontym ThanQuuu Nikhil 😀😀😀
Daniel Kempe
@nykontym Thanks so much man :-) Really appreciate the kind words!
Peter Day
@danielkempe @nykontym Cheers Nikhil :-)
Nathan Langer
@nykontym Thank you for the amazing comment! 💪
Timoté Geimer
I really love what you do guys! Keep on rocking!!! 🚀
Daniel Kempe
@achievedai Thanks so much :-)
Nathan Langer
@achievedai Thank you so much! 🙌
Matthew Spurr
@achievedai <3 We fully intend to keep on rocking!! :-)
Peter Day
@achievedai Cheers! You too :-D
Great one, @danielkempe are providing an amazing software! Can't wait to explore more this 4.0 version!
Daniel Kempe
@baptistedebever Thanks so much Baptise :-) Really excited about the new Quuu and the plans for 2019 :-)
Nathan Langer
@baptistedebever Thankyou Baptiste! We can't wait for you to use Quuu 4.0! 🎉
Peter Day
@danielkempe @baptistedebever Thanks for the kind message! We hope you love it :-D
Cordny Nederkoorn
Awesome, keep up the good job!
Daniel Kempe
@testingsaas Thanks Cordny :-) Really appreciate your support!
Darcy Peters

I don't think social media should be on auto-pilot. I do agree with making life easier! To have a balance, I'd recommend looking at your filled queue in Buffer or HubSpot to make sure that what was added is going to be advantageous to your followers. :)


The new RSS feed feature is going to be the best for my current use! That was one thing I felt I was missing, and now it's here!


See "Tell us more"

Daniel Kempe
We totally agree Darcy. We are only here to save you time finding awesome content to share. It's up to the user to share what is most relevant :-)
Ryan Robinson
Seth Louey
I love Quuu and very excited about their future.
Daniel Kempe
@sethlouey Cheers man! Been a crazy hard 2018!
Leo Woods
I love you guys! Thanks
Austin Lu



I love Quuu! They hand select content related to industry specific categories. Helps market leaders estabslish authority.


Quuu works great on chrome app on my iOS moniledevice but wouldn’t mind a mobile app!

Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Daniel Kempe
@bryon_mccartney Hey Bryon, yes we built our own scheduler in March last year, but various problems with the Twitter API forced us to remove it and continue to build on Buffer and HubSpot. We already have plans to integrate with a further 9 schedulers including Hootsuite in 2019. As we rely on hand-curated content, sometimes really niche categories like "Cats" can be a little lacking but we do our best as a small team. The RSS feeds are a really nice backup for lack of content in niche categories. Having it in Quuu makes it really simple to share to your schedule.
Gary Elley
@bryon_mccartney @danielkempe +1 for PromoRepublic Daniel, does this ring a bell . . . "I have come across a solution to this that I wanted to tell you about. If you haven't already heard about PromoRepublic, then I'm about to rock your world." That's from an email you sent to your list in May 2017. I started using PromoRepublic on the strength of that :)
Brian Burgasser

Thanks for the fine example of acknowledging the mistake and then the courage to correct it. In fact, it’s better than the original. I’ve had this more than a year.


A clean interface. Quality content highlighted. The topic tags for my niche. Before had parse content; now every piece is relevant.


I echo the iOS mobile app and need for Content Studio integration.

Adina Jipa
Love the authenticity, guys! Congrats <3
Daniel Kempe
@adinajipa Thank you. It is always ready hard knowing exactly what to share. We thought it was important to share the grizzly details. We certainly learned a lot!
Graham Collins
Looks great so far! I ran into a slight snag with permissioning from Hubspot, but once that was cleared up, loving it!
Lachlan Kirkwood
Beautiful UI 🙌 Looks like a great way for community managers to easily create engaging content!
Daniel Kempe
@lachlankirkwood Thank you so much Lachlan :-)
Hans van Gent

Been using the product for a very long time now, and it never ceases to amaze me the drive of the team and the amount of dedication to move content curation forward. Great stuff, looking forward to the updates!


Always bringing great content suggestions to help share with my network!


Didn't find anything yet

Matthew Spurr
Interesting to see a few people request a mobile app of Quuu. Well, we want to bring you what you guys want, that's the point of discussions like this. So thanks all for your feedback!! Watch this space :-)
Beth Fiedler

Very happy with this content curation tool. Sufficient categories to choose for the social media accounts. Have both manual and auto options to post. I recommended Quuu to my partners and they love their free option (very generous). Thank you!


Have been using Quuu since 2017. It definitely makes my life easier :-)


Can't think of any

Eric Axelrod

Been using Quuu for a few years. Solid tool


Great social media curation tool


Nothing I can think of

Brittany Berger
I've always loved Quuu and the updates sound like I'll only love it more! Congrats on the launch!