Document Generator by Qwilr
All your business documents, in one click
Janine Saunders
Document Generator by Qwilr — Beautiful business documents, all in one click ✨
Automatically generate a pack of personalized proposals, case studies, invoices, and brochures for your growing business in minutes. Answer a few questions, and your documents will be tailored to your business and brand. Free to edit, style, download, and share.
Made by the team behind Qwilr.
Are there plans on integrating Qwilr/exporting Qwilr themes to Google Suite?
Mark Srour
@ivanisawesome There are currently no plans, but thanks — that's a great idea
Kasia Hoffman
Great job on creating beautiful and slick web-first documents!
Jason Weeks
Regular user here, not a fly-by-night-er. 110% would recommend using Qwilr. We use it for all of our presentations and packs that we want to send out to prospects. It gives us the ability to update stats / information that changes over time and also to track whether pitches have been opened, which things have been most looked out and by who / where.
Amrita Mathur
Aww, I love Qwilr and what the founding team. Nice work!
Greg Swierad
Qwilr team asks all new signed up people to upvote them on ProductHun, what is against rules.
Janine Saunders
Hello hunters 👋 Janine from Qwilr here, sharing a little project the team's been working on. Qwilr helps people create beautiful web-first documents, like proposals, reports, and presentations, and we've found freelancers and contractors to be pretty interested in how easy it is to design a page without much strain or skill. The Document Generator makes it much faster for these folks who are already quite time poor. By filling out a few fields, you'll automatically personalize five to six business documents that are all consistent, share the same brand, and help you switch to interactive documents that can be accepted and signed on the spot. You'll be able to edit, redesign, share, and download your pages and have 14 days to make any changes (the actual links will always be accessible though). After that, you can sign up to a Qwilr plan for $15/month to create unlimited documents and take advantage of our reusable blocks, team collaboration, templates, and more. Feel free to drop any questions or feedback in the comments. We're all really excited to be sharing with the community!
Anna Filou
@janine_saunders has the pricing changed drastically in the past year? I don’t see a $15/month plan in your pricing page ( The cheapest option is $75/month, which is quite expensive… Unless the document generator is a standalone product, priced separately? In that case, please include a link to the relevant pricing page on its he landing page.
Aleksandr Kushchynskyi
Looks interesting
Stowe Boyd
I took the few minutes needed to set up some docs on Qwilr and it looks pretty cool.
Sean O'Dowd
This is fantastic!! I wish I had this back in the day-congrats on the success!
Dmitry Kotlyarenko
Nice! I love beautiful proposals and case studies. Looks great tool!
Nikolai Bain
Love this, very quick set up. Does a version of this exist to generate simple .pdf documents rather than web documents?
Mark Srour
@nikolaibain Thanks for the kind words, and yes — you'll be able to download PDF versions of the personalised documents in your Document Generator pack as well as any other documents you create in Qwilr
Zarmeen Rana
Its good
Team at ClosedWon
Aditi Syal
Hey Guys! Great Product! Just tried the case study template. You guys have made it super easy!