Hiten Shah

Who's freezing hiring - List of companies freezing hiring, hiring and doing layoffs

With lots of offers rescinded in the last few days, we took some time out to compile this list of tech companies freezing hiring or doing layoffs (and those that are still hiring). Updating live and linking to job boards if companies are still hiring.

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David Chouinard
Hi, I'm David — the cofounder at Candor. Seeing many of my friends worry about this, we started compiling this list of companies freezing hiring from Coronavirus at 6am... and haven’t stopped. I hope it helps. I'll keep updating it live, so email me at hello@candor.co if you're hearing anything.
Hiten Shah
@candor @davidchouinard Thank you for making this. Such an important initiative right now.
Luke Bornheimer
@candor @davidchouinard Thank you for your hard work and generosity (with your time and energy)! This resource is, and will continue to be, invaluable for countless people. If there's anything you can use help with, design-related or otherwise, please let me know — happy to help however possible! Thanks again!
Mahmoud Mourad
@candor @davidchouinard Great Initiative! How do you gather this kind of information about the companies?
Michael Taylor
We're reviewing every submission manually (over 1,000 so far!) and verifying directly with company leadership and news in the press where possible. We're a team of volunteers doing this so if you can help us out and help verify a hiring freeze one way or another, let us know. We need more companies that are hiring so if you can send us a link to your job board we'll promote it. This has had 170,000 visits over the weekend so your contributions really help a lot of people.
Luke Bornheimer
@2michaeltaylor Thank you for your hard work and generosity (with your time and energy)! This resource is, and will continue to be, invaluable for countless people. If there's anything you can use help with, design-related or otherwise, please let me know — happy to help however possible! Thanks again!
Nat Eliason
@2michaeltaylor Great initiative, and really interesting data to sift through. This will turn into a great data post later depending on how it changes ;)
Noam Szpiro
Very useful! Thanks for creating this @davidchouinard
Great list guys, thanks for putting together @davidchouinard & @2michaeltaylor!
Michael Taylor
@davidchouinard @idealexit Thanks Shaun - appreciate the support!
Adam Wesolowski
extremely useful @davidchouinard and great to see it almost real time, super needed in these hard times
Michael Taylor
@davidchouinard @adamwesol yeah it was a real beast to keep up with all the messages over the weekend!
Arthur Andreyev
Very useful! thanks!
Michael Taylor
@john_bricks glad you found it useful!
Raz Karmi
Excellent!!! Thank you very much
Michael Taylor
@razkarmi thanks for your support!
Yevhenii Peteliev
Niicee! Looks very useful. Great work :) Congratulations!
Michael Taylor
@peteliev we're trying to make it even more useful every day :-)
Emily Kramer
This seems to be the definitive list of companies at this point (thanks @davidchouinard). Has anyone seen a similar "definitive" list for individuals laid off? So far, they seem company specific, like this one: https://airtable.com/shriv4Mhinz...
Michael Taylor
@davidchouinard @emilykramer of wow ok this is a list of people looking because they've been laid off? Glad someone is doing this for the individual people who need help.
Emily Kramer
@davidchouinard @2michaeltaylor I am specifically hoping I can help connect laid off marketers to companies that need part time or full time marketing help right now. I'm the former head of marketing of Carta and Asana (taking some time off right now to explore some startup ideas) and thought I might be able to help.
Michael Taylor
@davidchouinard @emilykramer DM me on Twitter and I'll see if I can help. Before Candor I was a co-founder at a growth marketing agency Ladder who I know are still hiring, and there might be others in my network. https://twitter.com/2michaeltaylor
Paola Stoncius
Really appreciate the hard work put into making this list 🙏 thank you!
Michael Taylor
@pstoncius of course - we're happy everyone is finding it useful
Abhash Kumar
This is an awesome initiative
Michael Taylor
@abhash_kumar2 appreciate it!
Martin Krag Andersen
This is great, @davidchouinard! Thanks for creating this. Would love to see an updated chart of the industries, seems like it doesn't show at the moment.
Michael Taylor
@davidchouinard @martin_byfounders we're talking to Netlify - we have had so much traffic our process is timing out. They're working on increasing the time limit.
Michael Taylor
@davidchouinard @martin_byfounders this should be fixed now - thanks for your patience. Now you can see the chart in all its glory!
Michael Taylor
If we get reports of a hiring freeze we add it for the company. However if someone later clarifies it's just one geography or team we adjust the notes.
Toby Allen
This is cool! I built something similar last night called Save a Freelancer 👉www.saveafreelancer.com
Ani Arevikian
Hi! Awesome idea, especially for those who are applying now. Just one Q, does a hiring freeze in the app mean that that particular company freezes hiring all around the world? Or is is just in some particular country? @davidchouinard
Domen Primec
Perfect timing :) Looks great
Sarah Mooney
So amazing! Thanks
Dmytro Chebukin
we do have developers of any kind, rate starts from 15. d.chebykin@aimprosoft .com you are more than welcome for any detales
Fantastic! Congrats!