Sebastian Hox

N/A - N/A


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I can develop a similar tool for free if someone willing to buy me a coffee 😬
Robin Good
Nice tool, impossible price ($49/mo).
Robin Good
@seb88 this needs to be free to build a following. You could charge and offer Premium version with additional features.
Alex Dewey
The first gif you shared shows this isn't automated but that seems to be your main claim?
Ryan Bucci
@thekiddewey I think the attribution is automated. But the gif shows the individual copying and pasting the text they're using... and then the actual backlink/attribution is automated.
Wilco de Kreij
Why wouldn't you use it on your own page as a demo?
in an afternoon.
Matt MacPherson
I don't understand what this is...
Fernando Nikolic (
Page is down...
Guy Zana
I think it's a good idea. Is this landing page converting though?
Valerie Fenske
Is there a trial?
Ethan Frame
Intriguing...but also cryptic. Not sure what the code installation is doing to help drive backlinks.
Marco Cianetti
EDIT: Unreal pricing, especially for a few lines of code.
Marco Cianetti
@seb88 Hi Sebastian, I just edited my comment because it wasn't my intention to "steal" idea/users/money from you, and I'm very sorry about that. I put here some of my thoughts: - There are a lot of comments on this product regarding pricing/ease to develop but you answered only at mine. This is not the way to collect feedback from your potential customers and your product won't benefit from those valuable info. - I think that it cannot be called "your idea" because there are a lot of those scripts out there and the 3 (THREE) lines of JavaScript that are needed were sent via mail from Indie Letters the 10th of August in their newsletter. - I don't want to make any money from it, most of my code snippets are FREE and open source. I think there is no point to discuss here for the benefit of ProductHunt's community so if you want you can DM me on Twitter @marcocianetti_