Javier Rodríguez

Raspberry Pi 3 - 3nd generation with faster processor, wireless and Bluetooth

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Gordon Hollingworth
It's been a year of careful planning, development, manufacturing and testing to get to todays release. We had a number of last minute issues which we cleared up but the Pi 3 is now a product! WiFi 802.11n, Bluetooth classic + BLE, quad A53 running at 1G with 64k L1$, 512k L2$ and 1G memory.
Shubham SHARMA
I think that the built in wifi is an incredible asset ! the Raspberry Pi has always been a playground for me !
Daniel Fitzpatrick
I'm constantly amazed by what these guys can fit into a $35 board
Emeric Victor
I hope that someone could help me with this: Is there a website that has a collection of Raspberry Pi Project that can be done by entry level/beginner programmers? I found a few projects, but I would assume that the options are limitless..
Dillon Nichols
@emericvictor This one is full of projects. Some are easy, others are harder. Usually they're documented well enough that a beginner can follow them. https://www.hackster.io/raspberr...
Erik Hoffman
This is such magnificent release, adding the things most wanted to the already lovely rPi.
Eddie Pratt
@gsholling Gordon, tell us what was the toughest engineering task to make this all happen?
Gordon Hollingworth
@prattarazzi Probably getting certification for WiFi and Bluetooth as an intentional radiator. We had to achieve certification for most countries separately since there are no harmonised standards like there are in europe. So requires working with certification companies in UK, China, Korea, Australia, Japan... And that's just the start! On software it was a real challenge for our engineers re-writing the SD card driver to use a completely different piece of hardware so that we could use the SDIO interface for the WiFi, but this is awesome because it means the WiFi bandwidth doesn't share the USB2 bus.
Francois Le Nguyen
So excited for what this can do in the world of EdTech, especially in developing areas of the world.
Csaba Kissi
It's getting better and better. I'm waiting for time to use this as my main development environment for nginx, php and mysql.
Daniel Williams
Samir Doshi
Time to geek out
@gsholling it appears to be out of stock on the web links...and idea where I can get one asap? 👍🏼😀

It's a mammoth packed in ant body, one can do much more but to start with it is bit hard.




not so userfriendly as compare to arduino

Marie Tatibouet
Jeffrey Wyman
I really enjoy watching this industry evolve. The Rasp. team is really breaking down the barriers to entry.
Wo King
Great. This will be my 3rd one. Can't wait to see what I can do with this one. Oh sorry, my son can do with this one.
Jiten Bansal
Is it available on Amazon India?
Courtney Klosterman
Exciting that these are now going to be Kano's computer and coding kits, think a 50% faster computer you build and code yourself
Marek Hrabe
This is first small computer I bought - integrated wifi was a great selling point. Can't wait to hack something together :)
Kristo Mägi
Simply love it!
Martijn Wismeijer

It takes a while to get used to but is a great way to learn Linux. Originally designed for school childeren but great fun for grownups too. If you want to learn a little bit more about computing, get yourself a Pi 3 and get started! recommended!


great price! You can even use it as a web server!


SD cards wear out fast, use a USB stick or drive instead.