Raspberry Pi
Teach, Learn, and Make with Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi 400 — A complete PC built into a keyboard for $70
Featuring a quad-core 64-bit processor, 4GB of RAM, wireless networking, dual-display output, and 4K video playback, as well as a 40-pin GPIO header, Raspberry Pi 400 is a powerful, easy-to-use computer built into a neat and portable keyboard.
Pete Cashmore
wow this is magic ✨
You have my vote! Could the RAM be upgraded?
Chris Smith
Shame it's not available for purchase. I tried every selection in the pulldowns, lol! Out of stock, perhaps? I want to see about getting several to give to children who can't afford computers for home study during lockdown.
KaL MichaeL
One of my first computers in the late 80s was this type of concept. I think it is smart, but what OS is it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No brainer. We use Raspberry when we go to trade shows to demo our tech or run videos and traveling light is important. This just make sense, with no need to have additional keyboard. Great job, guys.
Csaba Kissi
This is just amazing. No brainer!
Victor Iryniuk
This isn't Raspberry related, but I really like the form factor and I hope that we'll see more higher-end Windows PCs like this.
Ian Gallagher
The ZX Spectrum for the 2020s
James Hegedus
A model with 8GM RAM, USB4 (USB-C connector) for both power and display in a single connection would be amazing
Aaron O'Leary
I see Rasberry have decided to take lightweight PC to the next level
Cadu de Castro Alves
@aaronoleary or is it a heavy (and powerful) keyboard? =)
NaveenKumar Namachivayam
Cool. But I would wait for the next iteration :)
Priyab Dash
When I saw this I did not buy as Raspberry PI itself is enough but when I see now, it has exploded
Priyab Dash
Hell this is better than MAC. Raspberry Foundations is already sensing the trend and they are ahead of the curve
Ivan Zenkovich
omg, that's definitely next level
D Tyler Klune
nice. if there's a version with rinestones, i'll spring for that $90 version.:).
Samuel Dirksz
Ouch! Perfect for me as a hobby developer, but great for my 80-year-old mom as well! Killer price for a small computer for some basic desktop work! (And programming of course!)
Since the first launch in 2012, RPi has been snapping at the heels of the big boys and created their own “computing segment” and literally launched the SBC revolution. This is the next step in that evolution. Kudos.
Arthur Andreyev
At first, I thought it's not real - PC in a keyboard, no way. But after watching the video and reading the reviews I'm stunned by the perfection of Raspberry. I want one asap.
Matt Curd
I expect you were anticipating some git to ask this; any plans on doing this with the 8GB Rpi?